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The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) notes the decision of the Venezuelan National Assembly to conduct a popular referendum on defending Venezuela’s claim of the Essequibo.

CARICOM further notes that two of the questions approved to be posed in the Referendum, if answered in the affirmative, would authorise the government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to embark on the annexation of territory, which constitutes part of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, and to create a state within Venezuela known as Guyana Essequibo.


CARICOM reaffirms that international law strictly prohibits the government of one State from unilaterally seizing, annexing or incorporating the territory of another state. An affirmative vote as aforesaid opens the door to the possible violation of this fundamental tenet of international law.

It is to be emphasised that the land and water in question β€” the Essequibo Region of Guyana β€” comprises more than two-thirds of the whole of Guyana itself.

CARICOM notes that the language of two questions approved to be posed in the Referendum seeks an affirmation and implementation of Venezuela’s stance on the issue β€œby all means, according to/with the Law.” It is open to reasonable persons to conclude that β€œby all means”, includes means of force or war.

CARICOM earnestly hopes that Venezuela is not raising the prospect of using force or military means to get its own way in this controversy over territory. After all, it has been the long-standing position of Latin American and Caribbean counties, including Venezuela, that our region must remain a zone of peace.

Meanwhile, CARICOM insists that the Referendum proposed by Venezuela has no validity, bearing, or standing in international law in relation to this controversy; the Referendum is a purely domestic construct, but its summary effect is likely to undermine peace, tranquility, security, and more, in our region.

CARICOM reiterates its support for the judicial process and expresses the hope that Venezuela will engage fully in that process before the International Court of Justice which has determined that it has the jurisdiction in the case brought before it to determine the validity of the 1899 Arbitral Award which Venezuela questions. The Court’s final decision will ensure a resolution that is peaceful, equitable and in accordance with international law.



NASSAU: American actress Viola Davis is in The Bahamas for the Afreximbank Annual Meeting, where a signing ceremony took place Connecting Global Africa with the tools to make a difference.


Deputy Prime Minister Chester Cooper greets Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley who is in The Bahamas for the Afreximbank Annual Meeting being hosted in The Bahamas.

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President of Malawi cancels trip to the Bahamas following Vice President’s plane crash

Malawi President Dr. Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera has canceled his upcoming visit to the Bahamas due to a severe aviation incident involving Vice President Dr. Saulos Klaus Chilima. 

The plane, which was also carrying nine other individuals, crash-landed in the Chikangawa forest this Monday, prompting immediate national concern.

Scheduled international engagements impacted

President Chakwera was slated to participate in the 31st African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) annual meeting and the Afri-Caribbean Trade and Investment Forum in Nassau from June 12-14. 

This event is expected to host over a thousand delegates, including leaders and officials from both Africa and the Caribbean, along with prominent figures from various sectors such as banking and academia. 

The forum marks a historic occasion as it is the first Afreximbank annual meeting to be held in the Caribbean.

Strategic opportunities missed

The Malawi Foreign Ministry highlighted the significance of President Chakwera’s participation, which was to be underpinned by the sponsorship of Afreximbank. 

The visit was seen as a crucial opportunity for Malawi to secure additional support and to establish further partnerships aligning with the nation’s Agriculture, Tourism, and Mining (ATM) Strategy and its new initiatives on special economic zones and industrial parks.

Additional travel plans halted

In addition to his commitments in the Bahamas, President Chakwera was also expected to travel to BΓΌrgenstock, Switzerland, to attend the Global Peace Summit on June 15-16. 

However, these plans have been put on hold in light of the recent tragic events.

Ongoing rescue efforts

The Malawi government disclosed that the Vice President and the accompanying individuals were aboard a Malawi Defence Force aircraft scheduled to land at Mzuzu International Airport. 

Following the crash, aviation authorities have been unable to establish contact with the aircraft. 

President Chakwera has directed all national and regional agencies to launch an immediate search and rescue operation to locate the missing aircraft and its occupants, underscoring the urgency of the situation. (Article from CNW, Bahamas)

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Challenges and Opportunities Around the ICCΒ  Men’s T20 World Cup Cricket

Regional Security Heads have convened a meeting dubbed, β€œEnhancing Security Coordination for Major Sports in the Caribbean” with a special focus on the upcoming ICC Men’s T20 World Cup Cricket.

The meeting which is taking place in Barbados from May 14th – 17th 2024 is organized by The Organization of American States, through the Secretariat of the Inter-American Committee against Terrorism (CICTE), in collaboration with the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) and the Crime Implementation Agency and Security of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM IMPACS) is being held at the National Council on Substance Abuse Training Room.

Delivering remarks, Mr. Earl Harris, Assistant Director, Corporate Services, Caribbean Community Implementation Agency for Crime and Security -IMPACS emphasized the significant economic opportunities offered by the sports industry, providing pathways for individuals to thrive. He acknowledged the potential of major sporting events to leave a legacy, elevating host countries onto global platforms while fostering economic, political, and social development.

He underscored the unity and empowerment that sports bring, particularly highlighting cricket as a unifying force in the Caribbean. The upcoming ICC Men’s T20 World Cup Cricket, scheduled from 1 June to 29 June, was recognized as a pivotal moment to showcase the region’s rich sporting culture on the world stage.

However, amidst the anticipation and excitement, challenges that may affect the safety and security of the event are being discussed to mitigate any possible risks. The importance of collective vigilance and collaboration to safeguard participants and spectators was emphasized to preserve the region’s reputation.

Acknowledging the collective effort required for a successful sporting event, the role of Venue Operations Commanders (VOCs) was highlighted as crucial in ensuring effective security coordination. The success of the games was noted to depend significantly on the leadership and management provided by the VOCs in each participating state.

Mr. Harris also highlighted the importance of active engagement and knowledge-sharing among stakeholders to forge strategies that will strengthen security coordination for the upcoming tournament. Regional leaders expressed gratitude for the commitment shown by attendees and encouraged active participation to guarantee the success and safety of the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup Cricket.

The meeting is expected to continue with discussions and collaborations aimed at bolstering security measures and fostering stronger bonds among CARICOM countries and their citizens. (PR)

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