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Address by H.E. Wang Yi
Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee

State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs of, The People’s Republic of China
At the Symposium on the International Situation and China’s Foreign Relations

Beijing, 25 December 2022

Dear Experts and Friends,

It’s a pleasure to meet you all again and join you in review and preview of the international situation and China’s foreign relations. As the world is undergoing historic changes of profound and far-reaching impact, we need more than ever a vision to guide our way forward, a viable way to address our challenges, and greater strength to build consensus. I am more than pleased to have this opportunity to share with you my perspective on these issues and I look forward to benefiting from your insights.

For both the world and China, the outgoing 2022 is critical in bridging the past and the future.

Around the world, the trends of transformation and turbulence are both evolving continuously and the tendencies toward unity and division are both surging and contending with each other.

Like a giant ship, human society sailed through the raging waves of the once-in-a-century pandemic. It also had to brave for the hurricanes of geopolitical conflicts, whirlpools of bloc confrontation, undercurrents of surging inflation, and cold waves of energy crunch. The journey has been choppy and tumultuous.

That said, crisis begets change, giving birth to hopes. Most of the developing countries have acted with greater purpose in standing together in solidarity and strengthening mutual cooperation, and they have responded to the many unprecedented changes with greater confidence.

In the new global context, any attempt of conflict, confrontation, containment and decoupling runs against the prevailing trend of our times and is doomed to fail; peace, development, cooperation and win-win represent the popular will of the people and are an international trend.

In China, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has united the whole Party and the Chinese people of all ethnic groups and led us in rising to challenges of high winds and choppy waters in the global environment and pressing ahead with formidable tasks in advancing reform, promoting development, and maintaining stability at home. It has led us in overcoming all difficulties, addressing both domestic and international imperatives, making coordinated progress in COVID-19 response and in economic and social development, and scoring new, great successes in the cause of the Party and the country.

The most important event of the year is the 20th CPC National Congress held in October, which maps out a grand blueprint for building a modern socialist country in all respects and for advancing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts. The Congress also offers China’s solutions to the problems facing all humanity, providing much-needed certainty and stability to a world rocked by changes and turmoil.

Over the year, China has met challenges head-on and advanced its diplomatic agenda with greater resolve. Under the personal guidance of President Xi Jinping and the effective planning of the CPC Central Committee, China’s head-of-state diplomacy has played a guiding role. Our diplomatic work has focused on ensuring the success of the 20th CPC National Congress as our top priority and on building a community with a shared future for mankind as our vision. We have adapted to changes, addressed adversities and broken new ground. We have conducted major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics in an all-round way, making new contribution to upholding world peace and promoting common development.

First, our head-of-state diplomacy has been immensely successful with one significant event after another and has set the pace for China’s overall diplomatic work. This can be highlighted as one home-ground event, two major initiatives, and three important visits.

The home-ground event is the Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. With the concerted efforts of China and the international community, the Games were a resounding success. The opening ceremony brought together 31 heads of state, government, and international organizations from five continents who joined us in the celebration of the Games. The international community has experienced a China that is more confident, striving, open and inclusive. The Beijing rendezvous on ice and snow marked a new milestone in the endeavor of the peoples across the world to embrace new hopes and pursue a shared future together.

The two major initiatives are the Global Development Initiative (GDI) and the Global Security Initiative (GSI). In April this year, President Xi Jinping unveiled the GSI at the Boao Forum for Asia, offering a Chinese proposal for addressing global security challenges and achieving durable peace and security in the world. The international community responded to the GSI favorably. In a matter of six months, over 70 countries have expressed endorsement and support of the initiative.

As the chair of the first High-level Dialogue on Global Development held in June on the margins of a BRICS Summit, President Xi Jinping announced 32 major measures China would take to implement the GDI; an open-ended pool of GDI projects and the Global Development Promotion Center were created. To date, more than 100 countries and a number of international organizations, including the United Nations, have committed support to the GDI; close to 70 countries have joined the Group of Friends of the GDI.

The three major visits refer to those made by President Xi Jinping from September to December, the first of its kind since the COVID-19 outbreak. They include the Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Samarkand, the G20 Summit in Bali and the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting in Bangkok, and the first China-Arab States Summit and the China-Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Summit in Riyadh.

In the period before and after the 20th CPC National Congress, President Xi Jinping attended five multilateral summits and held bilateral meetings with leaders of more than 40 countries, creating three peaks for head-of-state diplomacy this year and making a good start to the work of the CPC’s new collective central leadership in China’s foreign affairs.

Second, we have continued to reject bloc confrontation and zero-sum competition, and maintained strategic stability in relations with other major countries. Major countries need to lead by example in making the world a better place. How they engage one another bears on the future of humanity. Taking on its responsibilities for the world and for history, China has worked relentlessly for a major-country relationship that features peaceful coexistence, overall stability and balanced development.

We have firmly rejected the United States’ erroneous China policy and have been exploring the right way for the two countries to get along with each other. As the United States has stubbornly continued to see China as its primary competitor and engage in blatant blockade, suppression and provocation against China, China-US relations were plunged into serious difficulties. In response, China has taken resolute actions to counter such power politics and bullying while pointing the right way forward through open and candid communication.

President Xi Jinping has had two phone calls with President Joe Biden at the request of the latter. The two presidents also had a face-to-face meeting in Bali, the first of its kind in three years. President Xi Jinping analyzed the essence of China-US relations and drew China’s bottom line and red line. He also stressed the need to abandon the zero-sum mentality where one’s gain and rise mean the other’s loss and decline, to define China-US interactions by dialogue and win-win cooperation, not confrontation and zero-sum competition, and to bring China-US relations back on the right track of healthy and stable development under the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation.

The candid and in-depth communication between the two presidents was constructive and strategic. It is clear from these talks that the two leaders both attach importance to the global significance of China-US relations, and emphasize the importance of exploring and establishing the guiding principles of China-US relations. They both hope the bilateral ties will stop sliding and return to stability as quickly as possible, and both agree to effectively manage differences and advance practical cooperation.

President Biden reaffirmed his “five-noes” statement, and further indicated that the US does not support “two Chinas” or “one China, one Taiwan”, does not seek to use the Taiwan question as a tool to contain China, and has no intention to seek “decoupling” from China, to halt China’s economic development or to contain China.  

What has happened proves time and again that China and the United States cannot decouple or sever supply chains. Under new circumstances, the common interests between China and the United States have increased, not decreased. No conflict, no confrontation and peaceful coexistence are in the common interests of both countries; deepening economic integration and benefiting more from each other’s development are also in the common interests of both; and boosting the global economy, tackling climate change, and resolving regional hot-spot issues remain the common interests.

Playing up competition does all harm and no good, and seeking cooperation is a necessity not a choice. China urges the US side to honor its commitments, turn President Biden’s positive statements into action, stop containing and suppressing China, stop interfering in China’s internal affairs, stop undermining China’s sovereignty, security and development interests, and cultivate a favorable atmosphere for communication and cooperation between the two sides. We call on the US side to change its course, establish an objective and sensible perception of China, follow a positive and pragmatic China policy, and work with us to put in place the pillars and a solid foundation for the healthy and stable growth of China-US relations.

We have deepened good-neighborliness, friendship and cooperation with Russia, and made China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination more mature and resilient. President Xi Jinping and President Vladimir Putin met in Beijing for a “rendezvous with Winter Olympics”, and held an important meeting in Samarkand, providing strategic guidance for China-Russia relations to move ahead under new circumstances.

Over the past year, China and Russia have firmly supported each other in upholding respective core interests, and our political and strategic mutual trust has been further consolidated. Our bilateral trade is approaching the US$200 billion target at a faster pace. Major investment projects are well underway. The scale of local currency settlement further expands. The Heihe highway bridge and Tongjiang railway bridge are open to traffic. Landmark progress has been secured in cross-border connectivity, and both countries have a stronger drive to develop mutually beneficial cooperation.

As some country is seeking to revive the Cold War mentality and fabricating the false narrative of democracy versus authoritarianism, China and Russia have stood in solidarity with other countries to steadfastly push for multipolarity and greater democracy in international relations, and steadfastly oppose hegemony and reject a new Cold War.

The China-Russia relationship, which is based on non-alliance, non-confrontation and non-targeting of any third party, remains rock-solid. Such relationship is free from interference or any attempt to sow discord between the two countries, and is immune from changes in the international environment.

We have continued to pursue friendship and cooperation with Europe, and stay committed to the healthy development of China-Europe relations. China-Europe cooperation bears on the stability of the global landscape and the prosperity of the Eurasian continent. Friendship is the keynote of China’s Europe policy, and cooperation its overarching goal. We are happy to see stronger European strategic autonomy. We support European integration. And we expect the EU to play a greater role in international affairs.

Over the past year, President Xi Jinping had over 20 phone calls and meetings with European leaders, and received German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and President of the European Council Charles Michel in China. Two-way trade and investment between China and Europe has bucked the trend and continued to grow. A host of major projects have been completed successively. These are full evidence that China and Europe are each other’s partners, not rivals, and we are each other’s opportunities, not threats.

China and Europe are working together on the global stage to practice true multilateralism, and meet global challenges such as climate change and biodiversity. Such cooperation is of important significance to the world, and offers a source of inspiration to humanity.

On the basis of mutual respect and equality, we will work continuously with the European side to properly handle differences and disagreements, strengthen strategic communication and results-oriented cooperation, and jointly act as an anchor of stability for the Eurasian continent and serve as a new powerhouse of development and prosperity.

Third, we have followed an open regionalism to build a stable and prosperous Asian home together. Facing attempts by some country to bring bloc confrontation to Asia and disrupt peace and stability in the region, we have stayed committed to the principle of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness and the policy of good-neighborliness and friendship. China supports countries in the region in distancing from the geopolitical trap. Together we have made solidarity and cooperation a salient feature of the Asian region. Solid strides have been made in building a community with a shared future in the neighborhood.

The China-ASEAN comprehensive strategic partnership, launched with a strong start, is gaining a robust momentum. The two sides have agreed on a plan of action to advance the China-ASEAN comprehensive strategic partnership. Historic progress has been made in building a China-Indonesia and China-Thailand community with a shared future. Lancang-Mekong countries are committed to setting a “golden example” for regional cooperation. APEC has resumed dialogue on the FTAAP agenda. The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is implemented with high quality. The China-Laos-Thailand Connectivity Development Corridor Outlook will soon be turned into reality. The dividends of regional integration are being unleashed at a faster pace. China-ASEAN cooperation stays at the forefront of the times. The two sides are working together to foster a secure environment and create impetus for growth, and are taking solid steps to build a peaceful, safe and secure, prosperous, beautiful and amicable home together.

China and Central Asian countries have celebrated the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations, and agreed to set up a meeting mechanism at the head-of-state level and build an even closer China-Central Asia community with a shared future. We have reached important consensus with Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan on building a community with a shared future on the bilateral level. New progress has been made in the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway project, and new impetus injected to the development of the China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor. Countries in the region have jointly fought external attempts to instigate color revolution, and combating the forces of terrorism, separatism and extremism, effectively maintaining peace and stability in the region. The SCO has completed a new round of its membership expansion, the largest of its kind since its inception. This provides a stronger safeguard for peace and development of the Eurasian continent.

China and Japan have had a joint commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the normalization of bilateral relations. Leaders of the two countries held their first face-to-face meeting in three years, and reached important consensus on promoting the stability and growth of the bilateral ties. The two countries need to take history as a mirror, treat each other with sincerity, and engage each other with trust. It is important to avoid backpedaling and flip-flopping, be far-sighted and forward-looking, and steer the course of the bilateral relations from a strategic perspective.

China and India have maintained communication through the diplomatic and military-to-military channels, and both countries are committed to upholding stability in the border areas. We stand ready to work with India in the direction toward steady and sound growth of China-India relations.

China and Pakistan have continued to firmly support each other, uphold the invaluable all-weather strategic partnership, and consolidate the iron-clad friendship.

China-ROK relations have gone through a smooth transition and moved forward on the basis of the 30 years of diplomatic relations.

China and Mongolia have strengthened the synergy between their development strategies, and stayed committed to jointly advancing modernization as well as common development and prosperity.

China has continued to actively seek solutions with Chinese characteristics to hot-spot issues. We have hosted a successful Foreign Ministers’ Meeting among the Neighboring Countries of Afghanistan and the first “Neighboring Countries of Afghanistan Plus Afghanistan” Foreign Ministers’ Dialogue. The Tunxi Initiative issued highlights the participants’ commitment to inclusiveness and reconstruction in Afghanistan.

We have firmly safeguarded peace and stability in the Korean Peninsula, and called on the main parties involved to take and address reasonable concerns seriously.

We have supported ASEAN mediation over the issue of Myanmar in the ASEAN Way and its implementation of the five-point consensus.

We have leveraged the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC) to call on the relevant parties to steer clear of obstacles, speed up consultations, and reach agreement on a Code of Conduct in the South China Sea (COC) at an earlier date, which hopefully will provide strong underpinning for long-term stability and security in the South China Sea.

Fourth, we have promoted solidarity and cooperation with other developing countries based on sincerity, real results, amity and good faith, and pooled synergy in seeking strength through unity. China has stood in solidarity with other developing countries amid an evolving international environment, global volatility, and multiple crises, and worked together to uphold international justice and promote common interests.

We have written a new chapter in BRICS cooperation. As BRICS chair, China hosted the 14th BRICS Summit and a High-level Dialogue on Global Development. Both events were a great success. The China Year of BRICS achieved remarkable results. Some 160 high-level events in various areas were held throughout the year. The BRICS countries have projected a resounding voice for global equity and justice, and injected strong BRICS impetus into global economic recovery and development.

BRICS has steadily expanded its membership and held its first BRICS Plus foreign ministers’ meeting. Over 70 countries and international organizations were invited to attend BRICS Plus events of various kinds. A dozen of countries have expressly indicated their willingness to join the BRICS family. BRICS cooperation has become a most influential platform for South-South cooperation. A host of emerging markets are taking great strides to catch up in terms of global governance, turning from followers to forerunners.

We forged a new paradigm of equality, sincerity and mutual assistance among developing countries. China-Africa cooperation has been elevated across the board. We have acted on the principle of pursuing the greater good and shared interests to accelerate the implementation of the nine programs of China-Africa cooperation, and supported Africa’s self-sustained development. We have donated vaccines and provided food assistance to Africa to meet its pressing needs. We have come up with an Outlook on Peace and Development in the Horn of Africa to find ways to address their deep-seated challenges. We have taken the lead in publicly supporting the inclusion of the African Union in G20 and have continued to encourage Africa to play a bigger global role. 

China-Arab relations have taken historic strides forward. President Xi Jinping attended the first China-Arab States Summit and the China-GCC Summit, and conducted China’s highest-level diplomatic engagement with the Arab world on the largest-scale since the founding of the People’s Republic in 1949. China and Arab states have reached consensus on building a closer China-Arab community with a shared future. President Xi Jinping announced eight initiatives for cooperation between the Chinese and Arab sides. China and the GCC have established a strategic partnership, which is growing closer. As two significant forces and major civilizations, China and the Arab world have joined hands and supported each other in advancing our respective national rejuvenation endeavors and promoting regional peace and development. 

China and Latin America and the Caribbean have deepened strategic consensus. China and Argentina celebrated the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations. China and Cuba have launched a joint endeavor to build a community with a shared future. China has also worked with other countries in the region to increase experience sharing on state governance, strengthen synergy between development strategies, and expand results-oriented cooperation.

China’s relations with Pacific Island countries have made ground-breaking progress. My latest visit to the region covered each and every Pacific Island country that has diplomatic ties with China. It was the first time of its kind in our diplomatic history. China has built six cooperation platforms tailored to their development needs and people’s expectations and designed to support their climate action, poverty reduction, agriculture, disaster prevention, application of Juncao technology, and emergency supplies.

Fifth, we have played a constructive role in addressing global challenges and exhibited a strong sense of responsibility and mission as a major country. With regard to the Ukraine crisis, we have consistently upheld the fundamental principles of objectivity and impartiality, without favoring one side or the other, or adding fuel to the fire, still less seeking selfish gains from the situation. We have kept to the right direction of promoting peace talks, searched for a solution that addresses both symptoms and root causes of the issue, and stood firm as an anchor of peace instead of fanning the flame of the conflict.

Following the outbreak of the crisis, President Xi Jinping put forward four points about what must be done and four things the international community must do together. He emphasized that conflicts and wars produce no winner, there is no simple solution to a complex issue, and confrontation between major countries must be avoided. China has been playing a constructive role in its own way to promote peace talks and help ease the humanitarian crises.

Whenever a developing country encountered difficulties, China has reached out to them with a helping hand and shown empathy. China has implemented the G20’s Debt Service Suspension Initiative (DSSI) in all respects and contributed the largest deferral amount under the G20 Common Framework. We have proposed a G20 Action Plan on Digital Innovation and Cooperation, which is designed to narrow the North-South digital divide and improve the capability of sustainable development of developing countries.

In the face of common challenges for humanity, we have never failed to take on our responsibility and have always come up with our own proposals.

In response to the rising challenges to global security, China has worked actively for a joint statement of leaders of the five nuclear-weapon states on preventing nuclear wars, which was issued as a result.

In response to the raging global food and energy crises, China has called for building a global partnership for economic recovery and put forward the International Cooperation Initiative on Global Food Security.

In response to climate change, China has steadfastly pursued green, low-carbon and sustainable development, and actively fostered a fair and equitable system of global climate governance for win-win cooperation. This is a clear demonstration of China’s readiness to shoulder its responsibility as a major country and play an exemplary role.

Sixth, we have not been intimidated by any hegemonic power or its bullying, and have acted resolutely to safeguard China’s core interests and national dignity. The Taiwan question is at the very core of China’s core interests. It is the bedrock of the political foundation of China-US relations, and a red line that must not be crossed in China-US relations.

In response to US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s provocative visit to the Taiwan region of China in disregard of China’s stern warnings, we have taken firm and resolute measures, which have strongly deterred anti-China elements in the United States and the “Taiwan independence” forces, and fully demonstrated our iron will in safeguarding national sovereignty and security.

Over 170 countries and international organizations have expressed support and recognition of the one-China principle. Governments, political parties and parliaments of more than 100 countries and multiple international organizations have made public statements to demonstrate their understanding and support of China’s measures to uphold national sovereignty. As countries that stand in solidarity with China on the Taiwan question represent over 80 percent of the global population, it is a strong indication of unequivocal commitment of the international community to the one-China principle.

In response to the attempts of a few countries to smear China by means of concocted stories about Xinjiang and human rights issues, we have debunked lies and false narratives by presenting the facts. We have invited the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and many international representatives to Xinjiang. We have foiled the repeated anti-China attempts of the United States and its Western allies at the United Nations. The support for China’s justified position from over 100 countries has been overwhelming. A lot of developing countries highlight it as not only China’s victory, but also the victory of all developing countries, and the victory of international fairness and justice.

We have also exposed the false narrative of “democracy versus authoritarianism”, making clear their real intention is to stoke confrontation between countries, divide the international community, and interfere in other countries’ internal affairs in the name of so-called “democracy”. We have explained to the world how and why our whole-process people’s democracy works in China, upheld the true democratic spirit, promoted a right perception of democracy in a bid to distinguish right from wrong and truth from falsehood. The world does not accept any monopoly on the definition of democracy, and the calls against drawing ideological faultlines are getting stronger.

Seventh, we have created new momentum in opening-up and external cooperation, which affords great opportunities for world economic recovery. Despite growing risks in the world economy and surging undercurrents of protectionism, China has opened its door even wider to the world and never stopped deepening its external cooperation.

Over the year, we have opened our arms wider to embrace the world. From the World Economic Forum to the China International Import Expo (CIIE), President Xi Jinping has sent a strong message of promoting economic globalization and announced new steps to expand higher-standard opening-up.

The fifth CIIE has attracted enthusiastic participation, and new achievements were made in the China International Fair for Trade in Services, the China Import and Export Fair and the China International Consumer Products Expo. To invest in China is to invest in the future — this has become a view widely shared by people around the world.

With the negative list for foreign investment further shortened, the Hainan Free Trade Port setting sail, and the development of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor moving forward at a faster pace, a new structure of all-round opening-up that coordinates the coastal and inland areas and connects the eastern and western regions is taking shape.

Over the year, we have achieved swift and steady progress in advancing high-quality Belt and Road cooperation and delivered successful outcomes. In the first 11 months of this year, China’s trade with Belt and Road partners grew by 20.4 percent despite the downward trends elsewhere. The China-Europe Railway Express completed a record number of services, showing strong resilience.

A large number of signature projects made important advances: the first high-speed railway in ASEAN made its trial run; the first expressway in Cambodia is now up and running; the China-Laos railway, which had already been put into operation, has delivered remarkable performance; and the Budapest-Belgrade railway and the Pelješac Bridge in Croatia have effectively improved local transportation.

China signed Belt and Road cooperation documents with another five countries this year, making the Belt and Road family a big gathering of 150 countries and 32 international organizations. This marks a new height in international economic cooperation, and serves as a new engine driving the development of all countries.

Eighth, we have acted on the commitment of serving the people through diplomacy, and worked with all our hearts, minds and strength to protect the interests of Chinese nationals abroad. We in the diplomatic service have always put the people front and center and put actions behind the purpose of whole-heartedly serving the people.

Ever since the turn of events in Ukraine, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council have been highly concerned about the safety and security of Chinese nationals in Ukraine. President Xi Jinping has taken up the matter personally on a number of occasions and demanded an all-out effort to ensure the safety and security of Chinese nationals. China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has activated its consular emergency response mechanism at the first instance and carried out emergency evacuation, ensuring the safe transfer of over 5,200 Chinese nationals amid the on-going warfare.

We have promptly responded to a series of emergencies around the world, issued timely safety alerts, evacuated Chinese from high-risk areas, and spared no effort in rescuing Chinese hostages.

With concrete actions on the ground, we have shown every one of our compatriots overseas that however far you are away from home, the motherland will always come to take you home in times of need.

We have rolled out an upgraded Spring Sprout program around the world to vaccinate over 4.6 million Chinese nationals living and working in 180 countries. We have continued to deliver Spring Festival kits and health kits, and arranged to bring home Chinese citizens who were stranded abroad and in dire need of help.

We have continued to improve consular services, and launched the building of a consular information system to make services at our diplomatic and consular missions readily accessible at fingertips. Our consular protection hotline 12308 has operated 24/7, and handled nearly 500,000 calls throughout the year. No matter where our overseas compatriots are, consular protection will always be there for them. We will never stop serving the people through diplomatic work. The care and love of the motherland will always be around.

Dear Friends,

Breaking waves in the changing landscape and forging ahead in a volatile world, China’s diplomacy has scored historic achievements. In retrospect, the most fundamental political underpinning is the stewardship of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and his sensible, strategic judgement, decisions and directions at every critical moment; the most important theoretical achievement is the establishment of Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy, which provides the guideline for China’s work of foreign affairs to break new ground in the new era; and the most valuable practical experience is the blazing of a new path of major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics, which demonstrates China’s strong sense of mission and responsibility as a major-country.

As we look to the future, the report to the 20th CPC National Congress has pointed the direction, provided the basic policy and made strategic plans for major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics. On the new journey to build China into a modern socialist country in all respects:

We will stay committed to our original aspiration and founding mission, and dedicate ourselves to pursuing human progress and world harmony. We will have a deep reflection on the future of humanity, devote ourselves to achieving rejuvenation and lasting greatness for the Chinese nation, commit ourselves to the noble cause of peace and development for humanity, and contribute to the grand cause of the continuation and transformation of the international system.

We will stay committed to a Chinese path to modernization, not only creating a new form of human advancement, but also providing new choices for developing countries. We will firmly support developing countries in exploring development paths suited to their national conditions and embarking on a fast track toward modernization at an early date.

We will stay committed to peaceful development, never seek hegemony or expansion, oppose hegemonism and power politics of all forms and manifestations, defend the legitimate rights of our people and people of all countries to pursue peace and development, and make China’s contribution to addressing deficits in development and security.

We will stay committed to a global vision and to the noble cause of common good. We will follow the right approach in advancing the cause, promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, and work for building an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security and common prosperity.

We will stay committed to high-standard opening-up, pursue a mutually beneficial strategy of opening-up, adhere to the right course of economic globalization, promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation and the building of an open world economy, and create new opportunities for the world with China’s own development.

We will stay committed to independence, seek partnership and dialogue instead of alliance and confrontation, decide our position on issues based on their own merits, pursue mutual respect, trust and benefit with all countries, and deepen and expand global partnerships featuring equality, openness and cooperation.

We will stay committed to dialogue between civilizations, respect the diversity and equality of civilizations, and advocate exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations. We will promote the common values of humanity, and turn democracy and freedom from the political tools manipulated by a few people into the values shared by all mankind.

We will stay committed to our fighting spirit, which is for the purpose of upholding principles and promoting justice. China’s core interests must not be undermined, its sovereignty and territorial integrity must not be infringed upon, and the cause of national reunification and rejuvenation must not be disrupted — this is a matter of pride and confidence for us as Chinese and is also a great sense of integrity of the Chinese nation.

Dear Friends,

The year 2023 marks the beginning of full implementation of the guiding principles laid down at the 20th CPC National Congress and a new journey to build China into a modern socialist country in all respects. The new journey is one of glory and dream, but there are also major tests along the way.

We will rally even more closely around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, and acquire a deep understanding of the decisive significance of establishing Comrade Xi Jinping’s core position in both the Party Central Committee and the Party as a whole and establishing the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. We will strengthen our consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core and keep in alignment with the central Party leadership. We will enhance confidence in the path, theory, system and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and uphold General Secretary Xi Jinping’s core position in both the Party Central Committee and the Party as a whole as well as the authority of the Party Central Committee and its centralized, unified leadership. We will fully implement the policies set by the 20th CPC National Congress, and break new ground in major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics. To this end:

First, we will better serve head-of-state diplomacy and central tasks. Next year, head-of-state diplomacy will reach a new climax, and many highlights are expected in home-ground diplomacy. We will seize the momentum following the 20th CPC National Congress, spare no effort in strengthening overall planning and providing good services, and create new prospects for the cause of the Party and the country on the new journey in the new era. We will bear in mind the country’s most fundamental interests, and make sure our work conforms with the central tasks of the Party and the country. We will accurately understand and wisely respond to changes, and take action to make changes. We will do our best to prevent and defuse major external risks and challenges.

Second, we will expand all-round diplomacy in a coordinated manner. We will deepen strategic mutual trust and mutually beneficial cooperation between China and Russia, and cement China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination.

We will follow through on the common understandings reached between the Chinese and US Presidents, strive to recalibrate China-US relationship, and bring it back on the right course. 

We will engage in closer high-level exchanges and strategic communication with Europe and promote the sound and steady growth of China-Europe relations.

We will stay committed to the principle of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness and the policy of forging friendship and partnership in our neighborhood, and deepen friendship, mutual trust and convergence of interests with our neighbors.

We will uphold the principle of sincerity, real results, amity and good faith and the principle of pursuing the greater good and shared interests, strengthen solidarity and cooperation with other developing countries, and safeguard and expand the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries.

Third, we will continue to look for the widest possible convergence of interests in global governance. We will hold high the banner of building a community with a shared future for mankind, and vigorously advocate the common values of humanity. Through building a new type of international relations and based on the implementation of the GDI and the GSI, we will firmly uphold the UN-centered international system and the international order underpinned by international law, and build more consensus, pool greater strength and take more actions for the cause of global development and security.

Fourth, we will actively serve high-quality development and opening-up. Next year will mark the tenth anniversary of President Xi Jinping’s proposal of the Belt and Road Initiative. All parties are looking forward to the convening of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation where we can jointly take stock of the achievements and draw up a blueprint to make this “belt of development” that benefits the world more prosperous and broaden this “road to happiness” that benefits humanity.

The significant achievements and latest developments in COVID control have ushered in a new stage in the pandemic response. Given the situation, we consider it necessary to further facilitate the flow of personnel between China and other countries, ensure stable and smooth industrial and supply chains, and foster new drivers for global development.

Fifth, we will build a stronger line of defense to protect our national interests. We will unequivocally oppose all acts of hegemony, bullying and highhandedness, reject all unilateral protectionist moves, firmly safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests, resolutely fight all forces that attempt to hold back and even halt the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and hold the strategic initiative of national development and security firmly in our own hands.

Sixth, we will focus on strengthening our international communication capacity and make our voice heard loud and clear. We will communicate the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress to the world, and tell engaging stories of the CPC, of Chinese modernization, and of building a community with a shared future for mankind, so as to steadily increase the world’s understanding and recognition of the Chinese path, visions and system. We will adapt to the new developments in digitalization and omnimedia, to spread truth to more places and leave no room for lies.

Dear Friends,

The best way to celebrate our history is to write a new page for the future. The best way to embrace the future is to create an even brighter future.

On the new journey ahead, we in the diplomatic service will follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, especially Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy, and stand firmly on the right side of history and on the side of progress of human civilizations. We will maintain a global vision, forge ahead with greater resolve, and write a new chapter and secure new successes in major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics from a broader perspective and through stronger actions.

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Beijing DeclarationOf the Conference Marking the 70th AnniversaryOf the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence

On June 28, 2024, the Conference Marking the 70th Anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence was held in Beijing. President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China attended the conference and delivered an important address. Premier Li Qiang of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China moderated the conference. Former political leaders from countries including Viet Nam, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Laos, Thailand, Indonesia, the Maldives, Egypt, Ethiopia, South Africa, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Brazil, Guyana, Japan, Republic of Korea, Italy, France, Croatia and Slovenia, representatives of international/regional organizations, and diplomatic envoys, academics, friends, as well as representatives of the press and the business community from more than 100 countries were present at the conference. The conference issued the Beijing Declaration.

Under the theme of “From the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence to Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind” and with four sub-forums focusing respectively on the Contemporary Value of Asian Wisdom, the Vision and Mission of the Global South in a Shifting Landscape, Contributing to Global Prosperity through Chinese Modernization, and Promoting Global Governance Featuring Extensive Consultation and Joint Contribution for Shared Benefits, the commemorative events broadened consensus among the parties on building a community with a shared future for mankind.

As the host of the commemorative events, the Chinese side summarized the key viewpoints of the participants as follows:

1. Seventy years ago, Chinese leaders put forth in full the following Five Principles, i.e. mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, mutual non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence. These principles were included in China’s joint statements with India and Myanmar, which called for establishing the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence as the basic norm in state-to-state relations. The appeal has had an epoch-making significance.

2. Over the past seventy years, the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence have shown everlasting relevance. Informed by Asian wisdom, they have become open, inclusive, and universally applicable basic norms for international relations and fundamental principles of international law. They have made indelible historic contributions to the cause of human progress.

3. The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence are consistent with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, and reflect the underlying trend of international relations. With a greater emphasis on mutuality and equality, these principles provide a whole set of basic norms for peaceful coexistence among countries across political, security, economic and diplomatic domains, and have a far-reaching impact on the development of international relations and international law.

4. The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence have opened a new path for the establishment and development of relations between countries with different social systems. These principles enable countries to break free from antagonistic and confrontational mindsets, coexist peacefully on the basis of equality and mutual respect, and resolve disagreements and disputes by peaceful means.

5. The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence have bolstered the efforts of developing countries to deepen solidarity and cooperation and seek strength through unity. These principles have inspired developing countries to find independent paths of development, and contributed to the improvement and development of North-South relations.

6. The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence were designed to protect the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries, and redress the systems of imperialism, colonialism and hegemonism. These principles have laid an intellectual foundation for and lent impetus to a more just and equitable international order.

7. The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence are showing greater vitality amidst global transformations not seen in a century. Building a community with a shared future for mankind is a natural step for carrying forward the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence under the new circumstances, and enriches the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence with the imperatives of the new era.

8. The Vision of Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind carries forward the essence of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, and builds on them to better reflect the reality that all countries share the same future. The overarching goal is to build a world of lasting peace, universal security and shared prosperity and one that is open, inclusive, clean and beautiful, which points the direction for all countries to work together on Earth, the planet we call home.

9. The participants spoke positively of China’s proposals for advancing high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, and the Global Civilization Initiative, and recognized their great significance for safeguarding international peace and security, promoting global sustainable development, and contributing to human civilization and progress. These initiatives offer concrete and workable pathways toward building a community with a shared future for mankind.

10. The essence of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence is sovereign equality, which is the most important norm in state-to-state relations. All countries are equal. The big should not subdue the small, the strong should not bully the weak, and the rich should not exploit the poor. World multipolarity should be characterized by equality and order. International law should be applied in an equal and uniform manner to all countries. Double standards and exceptionalism should be rejected.

11. Mutual respect is a ground rule of state-to-state interaction and the basis of building a new type of international relations. Considering that countries differ in historical and cultural traditions and development stages, it is imperative to respect the development paths and systems  chosen independently by the people of other countries, not to impose one’s will on other countries, and not to interfere in their internal affairs. Major countries should set an example.

12. All countries should take the path of peaceful development, act on the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, work for building a more balanced, effective and sustainable security architecture, and resolve major international and regional issues through dialogue rather than confrontation.

13. In the era of economic globalization, it is important to promote development and achieve mutual benefit through cooperation. It is also important to make the global economy bigger and let more countries have an equitable share in the benefits of development, thus making globalization more universally beneficial and inclusive. Unilateral and protectionist measures in violation of the laws of economics and market principles will end up harming all sides.

14. Promoting the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence is conducive to safeguarding international fairness and justice and upholding true multilateralism. It is important to jointly defend the international system with the United Nations at the center and advance global governance characterized by extensive consultation and joint contribution for shared benefit. Hot-spot issues, such as the Ukraine crisis and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, can only be resolved by a political settlement through dialogue and consultation. Global challenges, such as those emanating from climate change and artificial intelligence, must be addressed through open cooperation.

15. Exchanges and mutual learning between civilizations drive human progress. It is important to respect the diversity of civilizations in an open and inclusive spirit, reject the discriminatory and exclusionary notion of “civilizational superiority,” and refrain from inciting clashes of civilizations. Peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom are humanity’s common values. They command the greatest global consensus and should be upheld by all. 

16. The Global South is a key force that advocates and practices the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. It should be the staunch force for peace, the core driving force for open development, the construction team of global governance, and the advocates for exchange among civilizations. It can make a greater contribution to South-South and North-South cooperation as well as human progress.

17. The participants commended the announcements by China for supporting Global South cooperation, which include:

  • Establishing a Global South research center, providing 1,000 scholarships under the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence Scholarship of Excellence and 100,000 training opportunities to Global South countries in the next five years, and launching a Global South youth leaders program;
  • Further leveraging the China-U.N. Peace and Development Fund, the Global Development and South-South Cooperation Fund, and the Climate Change South-South Cooperation Fund, and working with interested parties to set up a tripartite center of excellence for implementing the Global Development Initiative, so as to facilitate growth in Global South countries;
  • Renewing the China-IFAD South-South and Triangular Cooperation Facility and making an additional Renminbi contribution equivalent to U.S.$10 million to be used to support agricultural development of the Global South;
  • Discussing free trade arrangements with more Global South countries, continuing to support the WTO’s Aid for Trade initiative, renewing contribution to the WTO’s China Program, and welcoming more Global South countries to join the Initiative on International Trade and Economic Cooperation Framework for Digital Economy and Green Development; and
  • Between now and 2030, China’s import from fellow developing countries is expected to exceed U.S.$8 trillion. 

18. The participants spoke highly of the enormous achievements in Chinese modernization and China’s relentless efforts for and contribution to safeguarding world peace, promoting friendly cooperation with other countries, and advancing common development of the world.

19. The participants were grateful for China’s thoughtful organization of the commemorative events. They expressed readiness to work with China to turn into reality the wide-ranging consensus reached at the events, continue championing the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, and build a community with a shared future for mankind in order to create a better future for human society. (PR)

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Address by H.E. Li QiangPremier of the State CouncilOf the People’s Republic of China

Opening Plenary Of the Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2024

It is a great pleasure to join friends, old and new, here in the beautiful city of Dalian for the 15th Annual Meeting of the New Champions. Let me begin by extending, on behalf of the Chinese government, warm congratulations on the opening of the annual meeting and cordial welcome to all participants and journalists.

It has been five years since the Summer Davos was last held in Dalian. In the past five years, global transformation not seen in a century unfolded at a faster pace and world economic

development reached a critical juncture. As many people wonder where the future of the world lies, this annual meeting, focusing on “Next Frontiers for Growth,” is particularly relevant. I believe you all have your own thoughts and insights about the significance and value of exploring next frontiers for growth. Here, I would like to share with you three observations.

First, we need to confront the growth predicament of the world economy. The road to recovery has been treacherous since the onset of COVID-19. According to forecasts of the International Monetary Fund and other institutions, global growth may remain moderate or even slow in the coming years, and generally below the pre-pandemic level. Anemic global growth is not only caused by temporary factors such as impact of the pandemic, high inflation and rising debt. It is also ascribed to some deep-seated problems and intrinsic issues. From a cyclical perspective, the three industrial revolutions since the 1760s, which were respectively marked by the utilization of steam engines, electricity and information technologies, all transformed the way of production and life in human society. Each was followed by a surge in global growth. However, when the impetus unleashed by existing technological models diminished, global growth would slide into a period of stagnation. The impact of such fundamental transformation is manifold. At the macro level, we would see a slowdown of economic growth, and find it more difficult to make the pie of global economy bigger. At the meso level, we would see declining return on investment and diminishing economies of scale, with more business sectors turning from blue to red oceans. At the micro level, we would see intensifying competition among market players and spiraling “involution.” The neck-to-neck contest for available resources is, to some extent, triggering problems including backlash against globalization and escalation of geopolitical conflicts.

Confronted with the growth predicament of the world economy, maximizing one’s own benefits at the expense of others’ interests, or resorting to regressive actions of decoupling, disrupting supply chains and building small yards with high fences would only push up operational costs, sever the economic links between regions and aggravate tensions and disputes. This would drag the world into a destructive spiral where the fierce competition for a larger slice ends up in a diminishing pie. As we Chinese often say, “Range far your eye over long vistas.” In the current context, the right choice is to approach development issues with a longer view and broader mind, and join hands with others to make the pie bigger while pursuing one’s legitimate interests. This is how we could sustain the growth of the world economy, and open new horizon for our own development.

Second, we need to seize the new opportunities brought by the sci-tech revolution and industrial transformation. To overcome the growth predicament, we need to cultivate new engines for growth. We are delighted to see that as the new round of sci-tech revolution and industrial transformation deepens, global innovation activities in science and technology have become more intensive and dynamic than ever before. With the sparks ignited across domains, next frontiers for growth are starting to take shape. From a technology perspective, this round of sci-tech revolution is mainly powered by progress in intelligent, green and health technologies. The rapid advance of cutting-edge information, energy and biological technologies has provided new pathways for tackling climate change, energy crisis and other major challenges facing humanity. It has also notably enhanced the quality and efficiency of the supply system, and catalyzed and generated massive new demand. From an industry perspective, breakthroughs and integration of frontier technologies have redefined traditional production function, triggered a quantum leap in productivity, and opened up new domains and avenues of business, including artificial intelligence (AI), green energy and biomedicine. A host of sectors are expected to evolve into multi-trillion-dollar pillar industries. From a business model perspective, as the sci-tech revolution progresses, the organization of economic activities and industries is undergoing rapid transformation, which is characterized by the features of platform-based operation, networked structure and ubiquitous presence. New forms and models of business such as online services, C2M customization, and smart manufacturing are quickly emerging, making our life more convenient, and giving everyone a fair and accessible chance to participate. In a word, a number of frontier technologies and industries with the potential of explosive growth are metamorphosing and ready to burst onto the stage. This brings light and hope for catapulting the world economy into a new upward cycle.

To embrace the global trend of sci-tech advances and industrial development, all countries are making forward planning and deployment. China has also taken exploratory steps in this regard. In recent years, we have continued to promote high-quality development, accelerate the cultivation of new quality productive forces, and foster new drivers of growth. These efforts have provided strong dynamism for China’s economic development, and created greater cooperation space for companies around the world. The rapid rise of China’s new industries is in line with the global trend of sci-tech revolution and green development. Seizing the favorable opportunities from the sci-tech revolution and industrial transformation worldwide, China has been working hard to advance sci-tech innovation. We encourage companies to be first movers and make continuous investments in cutting-edge fields. Now, after years of cultivation, a number of enterprises and industries in China have gained an edge internationally. In particular, China has been vigorously developing green industries in recent years, such as new energy, to address climate change with concrete actions and meet the twin goals of carbon peak and carbon neutrality. As a result, China’s installed capacity of hydropower, wind power, solar power and nuclear power under construction has all been topping the world for many years running. And renewable energy now accounts for over 50 percent of China’s total installed capacity. Electric vehicles, lithium batteries and photovoltaic products made by Chinese companies have not only met domestic demand, but also enriched supply in the international market, eased the pressure of inflation worldwide, and contributed to the global climate response. The rapid rise of China’s new industries is rooted in its unique comparative advantages. China has a super-sized market of more than 1.4 billion people, a complete industrial supporting system, abundant labor force and talent pool, and diverse scenarios for application. Plus, Chinese consumers are fairly receptive to new technologies. All these make China a broad stage for enterprises to pursue innovation and upgrade their products. The economies of scale can help to reduce innovation costs for enterprises and accommodate the growth of different technology roadmaps and business models. That is also how China’s emerging industries get their competitiveness. The rapid rise of China’s new industries is a testament to the principal role of enterprises in innovation. Enterprises stand at the forefront of the market. They are most sensitive to the changes of demands, and have the strongest desire for innovation. From the Chinese government’s perspective, we have been doing our best to foster a market-oriented, world-class business environment within a sound legal framework. To that end, we have been abolishing regulations that limit market access and fair competition, facilitating the flow of factors of innovation to enterprises and promoting fine entrepreneurial spirit, so that enterprises can fully unleash the dynamism of innovation. China’s large market is open. Foreign companies compete, communicate and cooperate with domestic ones on a level playing field, and they have become a major force enabling the birth and growth of emerging industries. The rapid growth of new industries and new drivers has buttressed the sound and sustained development of the Chinese economy. Since the start of this year, the Chinese economy has sustained the momentum of recovery. It got off to a good start in the first quarter with a 5.3 percent year-on-year growth, and continued steady growth in the second quarter. We have the confidence and capability to achieve the growth target of around 5 percent for this year.

Third, we need to open up a vast blue ocean for future economic development. Facing major opportunities brought by the latest round of sci-tech revolution and industrial transformation, we will, as always, keep to the direction of building an open world economy, harness the momentum, make bold explorations, and work together to create new development space. In this connection, I wish to propose the following:

—First, deepening sci-tech exchanges and cooperation. Science and technology are key variables in future development. Major sci-tech progress usually comes from unrelenting research, accumulation and extensive cooperation. The exploration of new frontiers should not be seen as a zero-sum game. It is a process where all players compete for excellence and make progress together. Resorting to the “small yard, high fence” approach cannot hold back the development of others; it only ends up constraining oneself. The wise thing to do is to create an open, fair and nondiscriminatory environment for sci-tech innovation on the basis of protecting intellectual property, so as to enable the free flow of ideas for innovation and creation.

—Second, enhancing the foundation for green development. There is only one Earth for humanity. Growth in the future has to be premised on harmony between man and nature. We need to stand by the goals and principles of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Paris Agreement, follow the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, and deliver on our respective emission reduction responsibilities. We cannot slow down our pace in green transition in exchange for short-term growth, or practice protectionism in the name of green development or environmental protection. Green transition itself provides huge potential for development. We need to jointly advance the development of green and low-carbon industries and foster more growth drivers for the green economy.

—Third, safeguarding an open market environment. The history of global economic development shows that openness brings progress while isolation leaves one behind. Only through open interactions, exchanges and mutual learning can we keep pushing the boundaries of development and discover and open up new frontiers. In many ways, the depth of international cooperation determines the height of human development. So it is essential that we embrace each other with open arms and work closely with each other, reject bloc confrontation and decoupling, keep industrial and supply chains stable and smooth, and advance trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, so as to promote the sound development of globalization and form a strong synergy for global economic growth.

—Fourth, promoting inclusive and mutually beneficial development. New technologies such as AI and big data, while contributing to economic growth, may also cause problems such as structural unemployment, economic inequality and technology and AI divide. It is important to coordinate the development and governance of new technologies, make timely improvements to laws and governance frameworks to address conflicting rules and social risks brought by frontier technologies and industrial development, and strive to achieve more inclusive development that benefits all. It is also important to provide education and training to vulnerable groups and upskill the workforce, so that more countries and people can benefit from innovation.

Development has no limits. Exploration knows no boundary. China stands ready to join hands with all countries to sail the giant ship of the world economy into a vast blue ocean and create an even brighter future for humanity.

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China, Peru aim to beef up trade, BRI cooperation via Boluarte’s visit

Peruvian President Dina Ercilia Boluarte Zegarra will pay her first state visit to China from June 25 to 29 at the invitation of President Xi Jinping, the Chinese Foreign Ministry announced on Monday. 

The two heads of state are expected to meet in Beijing and Chinese Premier Li Qiang and China’s top legislator Zhao Leji are also set to hold meetings with Boluarte. China aims to consolidate political mutual trust, deepen practical cooperation and advance the China-Peru comprehensive strategic partnership through Boluarte’s visit, according to the Foreign Ministry.

The last face-to-face meeting between Xi and Boluarte took place in November last year on the sidelines of the 30th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders’ Meeting in San Francisco. They discussed strengthening traditional cooperation in fields such as energy and mineral resources and fostering new cooperation areas in digital economy and green development.

Xi said at the time that China was willing to import more agricultural products from Peru and encourage Chinese enterprises to participate in Peru’s major projects by market principles. The two sides also agreed to strengthen collaboration in education, culture, tourism and technology.

During Boluarte’s China visit, she will visit Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Shanghai and Beijing. Promoting economic and trade cooperation is one of the top issues on the agenda of the Peruvian president, Peruvian media outlets reported.

China is Peru’s largest trading partner, and Peru is China’s second-largest investment destination in Latin America. The two countries signed a free trade agreement in 2009, which came into effect in 2010, and a Memorandum of Understanding on Belt and Road Cooperation in 2019.

Peru is set to hold the APEC summit in November, and one of the major China-Peru Belt and Road cooperation projects, the Chancay Port, is also expected to be completed and start trial operations late this year, which means the APEC meeting is likely to coincide with the inauguration of the flagship port. (PR)

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