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Barbados celebrates Errol Barrow Day


Prime Minister Mottley Pays Tribute To Former Sports Journalist Sam Wilkinson

Today, while preparing for the funeral of my dear friend and party colleague, Herbie Yearwood, I received the very sad news of the passing of a true Barbadian sporting icon, Samuel Algernon “Sam” Wilkinson — who most interestingly, would have been known to countless Barbadians as Sporting Sam.

While Sam, the consummate sports journalist, had been out of the limelight for some time as a result of retirement, for many of us, his voice was one that will never be forgotten. When 7-Up Sam did his morning radio sports reports, he commanded as much attention as any breaking news broadcast. He stood apart when it came to sports reporting.

His was a lifetime dedicated to sports news, and he was as comfortable before the microphone producing a radio report, or facing the camera with his Cover Point television sports programme, as he was in front of the typewriter “knocking out” a cricket, football, boxing or basketball report for the newspaper.

There is no doubt in my mind that many of today’s young sports journalists owe him much, even if they have never heard his commentary or rubbed shoulders with him on the sidelines as he did his reporting.

I can say that because I know that as the first Sports Editor of the then fledgling Nation Newspaper, he set a bold new standard for sports reporting for a population that was only just coming into its own as an independent nation. Sam did for sports and sporting enthusiasts what contemporaries like Harold Hoyte and Ridley Greene — both, sadly, departed — and Al Gilkes did for news.

And as we prepare for the Finals of the ICC T20 World Cup competition at Kensington Oval on Saturday, it is fitting we recognise that when it came to commentary and informed opinion of local, regional or international cricket, Sam Wilkinson stood tall among a very select group of respected Caribbean voices. Sam’s life as a sports journalist is in many ways as seminal as the event that will take place at The Oval this weekend.

To his wife of 54 years, Judy, and their two children, Samantha and Barry, I extend sincere condolence on behalf of the Government and people of Barbados. (PR/GIS)

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he Barbados Fire Service has paid tribute to three trailblazing women who were among the organization’s first female officers.

During a recent special ceremony to mark the intake of the service’s first female officers more than 40 years ago, Chief Fire Officer Errol Maynard told attendees that the three women – Hermina Barrow, Ena Gittens, and Ena Gittens – have made a sterling contribution to the service that should never be forgotten.

““We are here to honour Hermina Barrow, who joined the second group of females in the service in 1986. Ms Barrow has set an extraordinary example of dedication and service. She is the only female to serve the department past 60 years of age, retiring last year at 61 as an acting sub-officer. Her longevity and commitment are a testament to her passion and perseverance, and she has undoubtedly paved the way for future generations of female firefighters.

“I would also like to acknowledge the outstanding work of Ena Gittens, a leading fire officer who joined the first group of females in 1979. Now retired, Mrs Gittens dedicates her time to looking after the welfare of other retired officers. She is an active member of the Barbados Association of Retired Fire Officers (BARFO), where her efforts are instrumental in ensuring that our retired colleagues are well-supported and appreciated for their service.”

Maynard added: “… we recognise the significant contributions of Juanita Greaves, who also joined the fire service in 1979. Greaves made a remarkable impact on the fire prevention and code enforcement unit. Her diligent work in this crucial area has helped enhance safety standards and prevent countless fires, safeguarding our communities.”

The service also honored Angela Reveira, who became the first female officer to advance to senior management in 45 years after being promoted to station officer.

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Apply Early For Liquor Licences

Persons hosting or participating in events where alcohol will be sold are reminded that they must apply online for liquor licences.

They may request a Special Occasion Liquor Licence if alcohol is being retailed for a period of 24 hours or less, or a Seasonal Liquor Licence, which covers a 90-day period, and can be used at various locations.

Payments may be made online through EZpay+ via the person’s liquor licence account, or at post offices islandwide. For timely approval, persons are advised to apply for their licences at least four working days before the event.

Those who need assistance applying for a licence should call the Liquor Licence Authority of the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs at 535-7019, 535-7011, 535-7015, or 535-7042Persons may also visit the Authority at the Energy Division, Country Road, St. Michael.  

Meanwhile, holders of liquor licences are reminded that they must be renewed at least five days prior to the expiry date indicated in the last paragraph of the current licence.

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