
Barbados Joins UK In Celebrating King Charles’ Birthday

Barbados joined the United Kingdom (UK) in celebrating His Majesty King Charles III’s designated birthday, last evening.

The British monarch celebrates two birthdays, so although King Charles’ birthdate is November 14, 1948, an official birthday of the sovereign is celebrated every year in June to commemorate the parade of Trooping the Colour.

During the birthday party at the residence of the British High Commissioner to Barbados, Scott Furssedonn-Wood, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Kerrie Symmonds, wished King Charles III happy birthday and good health. 

Mr. Symmonds, in his birthday wishes to King Charles, commended him for his work on environmental issues.

“Best of health to King Charles and may he continue to live a long and happy life…. In King Charles, we have a partner and a very important global voice, and I think that we should recognise that. Today is World Environment Day and we should not only salute the king for his birthday and offer him obvious well wishes and continued good health, but we should also recognise his stewardship for the environment, and this very important cause of the common heritage of mankind,” the Minister stated.

He also pledged Barbados’ commitment to working on matters of environmental issues and to deepening relations with the UK, adding that the two nations share “an inseparable bond”.

High Commissioner Furssedonn-Wood said the event was also being held to mark the 80th Anniversary of D-Day (June 6, 1944) and the strong bond between the UK and Barbados.

“We use this occasion every year to celebrate the relationship between the United Kingdom and Barbados. It’s a dynamic relationship; one that continues to evolve. It’s one that features extensive cooperation in all sorts of areas and it’s one which demonstrates to this day our shared commitment to working together to make the world a better place – working together to promote democracy and working together to tackle climate change. It’s a relationship which we are proud to champion and one which we work hard every day to strengthen and to make relevant for future generations,” the British High Commissioner said. 

Minister Symmonds and High Commissioner Furssedonn-Wood also noted that the game of cricket had played a role in unifying the two nations, while creating a “healthy” (PR/GIS)

CAPTION: Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Kerrie Symmonds, greets British High Commissioner to Barbados, Scott Furssedonn-Wood, at the birthday celebrations for His Majesty King Charles III at the High Commissioner’s residence yesterday


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