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Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress

There can be no greater imperative at this time than that contained in the theme for this year’s International Women’s Day 2024.  With the world facing so many challenges it may seem like issues of gender inequality are no longer as relevant; especially as our concepts of gender evolve.  There can be nothing farther from the truth.

The United Nations Women’s Organization estimates that, “if current trends continue, more than 342 million women and girls could be living extreme poverty by 2030.” This is a worrying statistic as it is well established that, “statistically, countries and regions that offer more economic opportunities for women have some of the best economies in the world.” 

This simple statement is contained in a December 21, 2023 article by Amnah Zaidi.  It goes on to cite the 2017 study by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) which then stated that closing the gender gap in participation by 25 per cent by 2025 could increase global GDP by US$5.3 trillion.  The question therefore is how far have we reached in fulfilling this obligation?

However, we should never believe that this is only an economic matter.  The top ten countries that treat women best as presented in the results of a 2023 global survey by US News coincides very closely with the list of the happiest countries in the world as per the 2024 World Population Review.  Countries that appear on both lists such as Sweden, Canada, Norway and Finland are well established in all important areas of development.  They have demonstrated to the rest of the world that success is not simply measured by economic indices but by broader social and moral metrics.  

Barbados has traditionally been matriarchically driven.  This may be one of the reasons for the stability and progress that we have historically enjoyed.  There can be no denying the vital role that women have played in the development of this island, both in the home and outside as participants in the labour force of the island.  

UN Women lists five areas that are necessary to accelerate the economic empowerment of women.  These are resources, jobs, time, security and rights.  These five are important because they do not simply speak to assets and financing but recognize that it is equally important to build systems and institutions that promote investment in social goods and sustainable development.

Therefore, we as an island state can be proud of the significant ways that we have supported our women to the benefit of the wholistic development of Barbados.  The 67/33 enrolment ratio of women to men at the University of the West Indies Cave Hill may point to other trends of concern but it certainly signals that we are seeking to provide educational resources and opportunities to our women.  This has been one of the key catalysts to advancing their participation in the workforce.

The last Barbados Statistical Service Labour Market Survey bears out the results of that investment in education in relation to the number of women now engaged in higher level jobs.  Sixty-one percent of professionals are female, 52% of Legislators and Senior Officers and 56% of Technician and Associate Professionals.  The fact that we now have a female Prime Minister and President bear proof to the harvest of an intentional strategy to develop our women and the concomitant positive benefits for an island that has been said to punch above its weight.

Our island’s attention to human rights and our record in this regard can withstand any international scrutiny.  Barbados must ensure that it remains a just, fair and democratic society where its citizens continue to be equal participants in its development and opportunities.  Our legal, political and other systems must function optimally so that there is transparency and certainly to allow our women, the majority of whom are black, access to the enfranchisement which, due to our history, was for too long denied.  

There has also been great attention to ensuring that Barbadian women are able to access social protection where needed and to building the kind of just society where such protection is less needed.  Insecurity is a barrier to the advancement of women and even as we celebrate this Internation Women’s Day every Barbadian must recommit themselves to ensuring that our girls and women can live in a society that does not place them at risk of gender based or other violence.  One that teaches respect for women and structures a society where that respect can be readily reciprocated.

There is one key area necessary for accelerating progress where Barbados may still have room for improvement.  The worrying historical fact is that, even with all of our progress, globally women spend around three times more time on unpaid care and domestic work than men.  This certainly holds true here.  This means that many of our women are stretched thin because even as we progress in relation to our careers we are still expected to undertake an inordinate amount of the work for managing the home and family.  Any meaningful discussion of accelerating progress for women must therefore deal with this issue frontally.  Men must certainly be a part of the conversation about allowing our women to have the support needed so that they can thrive equally.

This conversation is particularly poignant in tourism where according to the ILO 60-70% of the workers in hotels, catering and tourism are women.  A fact supported by the World Travel and Tourism Council which states that this sector employs marginally more women than any other.  We in tourism must therefore be heavily engaged in ways to support our female team members who must often juggle raising families, childcare and even access to transportation given the shift driven nature of the industry, as significant obstacles to their ability to be consistent participants in their workplace.  

These simple but core issues can too often be impediments to their success and advancement.  This requires a national discussion as a tourism economy about how we lend support so that our women can have the time needed to thrive and progress.  This can be achieved through a review of the childcare, social support structures and transportation sector and how they can be better configured to meet the needs of the island’s key economic driver and employer of women.

The Barbados Hotel and Tourism Association would like to use this opportunity to recognize and applaud the amazing women, whose daily contribution make this industry so powerful and who through their work, alongside their male counterparts, ensure the success of our beloved island.  We assure of our commitment to making this industry the best it can be for our women and all those who participate in it both to accelerate their own progress and that of Barbados.  Happy International Women’s Day! (PR)


Winair Adds Barbados To Its Caribbean Flight Network

Winair is pleased to announce the launch of direct flights to and from Barbados, a popular destination for business and leisure travellers alike.

Starting November 15, 2024, Winair will operate six flights a week between St. Maarten and Barbados, utilising their ATR-42 aircraft. In addition, Winair will also provide direct flights from Barbados to St. Lucia twice weekly, Martinique twice weekly and Dominica three times weekly. 

Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc., Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Andrea Franklin, speaking on the new airlift into Barbados, said: “I am delighted to welcome Winair’s new direct flights to Barbados, which significantly enhance our connectivity within the Caribbean. This development not only makes Barbados more accessible to our Caribbean neighbours including the French West Indies to our island, fostering greater cultural and economic exchanges.

These routes position Barbados as a pivotal hub for travellers and align perfectly with our goals of boosting regional tourism and strengthening ties with our Caribbean partners. The increased connectivity will have a positive impact on both business and leisure travel, further solidifying Barbados as a premier destination in the region.” 

CEO of Winair, Hans van de Velde, noted that: “Winair is growing its Caribbean network with the addition of these new routes. We now offer 16 destinations and 40 routes, providing better connectivity throughout the region. Whether you’re a local resident or an international traveller, Winair offers a seamless and convenient journey. Our partnerships with global airlines like British Airways, Air France, KLM, and JetBlue further enhance our reach to Europe and North America, making it easier than ever to explore the Caribbean’s diverse beauty.”

He added: “Winair is proud to be the trusted and reliable airline in the Caribbean region, with a 63-year long history of providing a smooth and enjoyable travel experience.” The airline has a growing fleet of three ATR42-500 and five) Twin Otters.

“Winair looks confidently forward to this upcoming winter season. Our dedication to customer satisfaction is steadfast, and we are committed to pushing innovation, continuously improving, and growing our services.

To celebrate the launch of these exciting new routes, Winair is offering special introductory fares for a limited time for travel dates between November 15 and December 15, 2024. (PR)

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The Barbados Hotel and Tourism Association (BHTA) has appointed Greg Broomes as its Operations Manager.

Broomes, who will be responsible for overseeing the organization’s operational effectiveness and strategic initiatives, will also manage the human resources, finance, ICT and property management functions of the Association.

With over 11 years of experience across several sectors including international development, finance and audit, the Fellow Chartered and Certified Accountant and Project Management Professional explained that the strategic growth and sustainability of the BHTA and the broader tourism sector will be his main focus.

He said, “To achieve this I will concentrate on streamlining processes, optimizing resource allocation and ensuring the team is equipped to consistently deliver high-quality services to members and represent their interests with key stakeholders. Another priority will be to develop initiatives aimed at engaging and empowering youth within the tourism industry – by promoting career opportunities and offering educational programmes we aim to cultivate a pipeline of future industry leaders, not only within the industry, but as a part of the Association.

“I also envision expanding our Secretariat’s role as a data hub for firm-level data critical to advancing the sector. Building on our existing data collection efforts in areas such as disaster preparedness and occupancy trends, we will leverage this information for insightful research and informed decision-making.”

In his new role, Broomes, who holds a MBA in Financial Management from the London School of Business and Finance, will also serve as a key liaison with stakeholders; oversee the seamless implementation of events, initiatives and projects that benefit BHTA members and the industry as a whole, and also deputize for the CEO as needed, ensuring continuity in operations and strategic leadership.

“I am dedicated to advocating for the continual evolution of tourism products and experiences that showcase the unique offerings of Barbados. This will include supporting initiatives that enhance the business capacities and resilience of our membership, particularly in the face of the impacts of climate change. 

“By fostering innovation and sustainability practices within our membership, while advocating for improvements in the legislative and policy environment that impact the membership’s ability to operate, we can ensure our members thrive while contributing to the overall economic prosperity of our country,” he noted.

CEO of the BHTA, Ryan Forde, in welcoming Broomes to the Association stated, “Greg was selected for all of the reasons that he mentioned but for so much more. There is a need for re-establishing a structure of operating procedures that stretch beyond the secretariat, but how the BHTA and its members operate in unison alongside the rest of the private and public sector, as the tourism industry is more important than just one entity. 

“We will leverage and use his knowledge, skill set and experience as we aim to form stronger partnerships and activate stronger advocacy on behalf of our members and the industry from a data analysis and presentation perspective. His youthfulness yet level of expertise is a plus and it helps shore up a lot of the much-needed changes at the BHTA. We welcome Greg with open arms.” (PR)

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“Tourism and Peace” UNWTO’s the theme

The Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc. (BTMI) announced that the celebration of World Tourism Day will be a week-long series of events and activities that will honour the invaluable contributions of the tourism sector to Barbados. 

This year’s celebration will highlight the theme set by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) for World Tourism Day—“Tourism and Peace”—and will underscore the pivotal role tourism plays in fostering economic growth, cultural exchange, and social harmony in Barbados.

During today’s press launch, Chief Product Development Officer, BTMI, Marsha Alleyne, emphasized the importance of the tourism sector, stating, “Tourism is the lifeblood of our economy, providing thousands of jobs and contributing millions of dollars to the development of our nation. It is our duty to recognize and celebrate the hardworking individuals who make this possible. Tourism Week 2024 is an opportunity for us to show our appreciation and to highlight the peace and prosperity that tourism brings to our island.”

Celebrating World Tourism Day 

The centrepiece of Tourism Week will be the observance of World Tourism Day on Friday, September 27, 2024. This year’s theme, “Tourism and Peace,” underscores the vital role tourism plays as a catalyst for fostering peace and understanding between nations and cultures. As a destination that welcomes visitors from around the world, the BTMI understands that tourism can be a powerful force for peace, by bringing people together and creating a more connected and compassionate global community.

Key Events During Tourism Week 2024:

  • Church Service – Sunday, September 22, 2024: The week begins with a church service at Mount Zion United Holy Church from 8:15 a.m. This event will bring together tourism professionals from all faiths and backgrounds to express gratitude, reflect on their accomplishments, and foster a sense of community within the industry. The service will feature a message from the Minister of Tourism and International Transport, the Hon. G.P. Ian Gooding-Edghill, musical performances, and cultural presentations.
  • Tourism Megafest – Tuesday, September 24 to Wednesday, September 25, 2024: The Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre will also host the Tourism Megafest, an immersive expo showcasing the rich cultural diversity, unique attractions, and hospitality of Barbados. The event will include exhibitions, interactive seminars, live performances, and a career showcase, providing valuable insights and opportunities for those interested in the tourism industry.
  • Restaurant Season – September 1 to October 31, 2024: This year’s Restaurant Season will run from September 1 to October 31, 2024, in support of Tourism Week and the Barbados Food and Rum Festival. Participating restaurants across the island will offer specials, discounts, and themed culinary events to showcase the diverse dining experiences available in Barbados.
  • Industry Specials – September 22 to September 28, 2024: Special discounts will be offered by accommodation venues, restaurants, and attractions for industry personnel and residents with valid national identification. These specials will include staycations, day passes, and dining offers, among others.
  • Strict Guardians of Our Heritage Charitable Event – Saturday, September 28, 2024: The tourism community will engage in a clean-up event to honour one of the island’s heritage assets, raising awareness about the importance of preserving these sites as part of Barbados’ competitive tourism strategy. The BTMI will be joining Dr. Carla Daniel, Director of the Barbados Sea Turtle Project at Drill Hall Beach. This is the largest turtle nesting area in Barbados that was affected by Hurricane Beryl. The organisation will be helping with the clean-up and we encourage persons to join us.
  • World Tourism Day Celebration – Friday, September 27, 2024: World Tourism Day will be marked with the Peli Can Island Community Pop-Up, held in association with the Barbados Food and Rum Festival. This event will be a large pop-up, inviting tourism workers, tourists, and locals to enjoy Bajan cuisine and traditional entertainment.

Alleyne continued to highlight the significance of Tourism Week, stating, “Tourism Week is not just a celebration; it is a testament to the resilience and dedication of our tourism professionals. By recognizing their contributions and promoting our destination’s unique offerings, we strengthen the very foundation of our economy and culture. We invite everyone to participate in the festivities and join us in showcasing the best of Barbados to the world.” (PR)

Caption: (from left) Acting Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Tourism and International Transport, Anderson Cumberbatch; Chief Product Development Officer, Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc., Marsha Alleyne; and Tourism Liaison Officer, Barbados Hotel and Tourism Association, Sade Deane.

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