

in light of the new Road Traffic Accident Investigation Policy

More needs to be done to clamp down on the scourge of uninsured drivers on the island’s roads.
This strong belief comes from Chief Executive Officer of Co-Operators General Insurance, Anton Lovell, as he spoke during this week’s unveiling of a new Road Traffic Accident Investigation Policy, which will see police officers only responding to serious accidents, while insurance agents will take charge of minor ones.
Lovell said while the new policy is welcomed, the high rate of uninsured drivers still being seen on the roads remained a grave concern.
He said, “I would like to encourage the Commissioner of Police, the Licensing Authority and so on to move quickly now to arrest this situation because it will cause problems with this new initiative,” Lovell said. “Further, going beyond the uninsured motorists, even where there are serious accidents [or not], we would like when police officers come upon these uninsured motorists that these vehicles be towed away and impounded.”
He added, “We have to get to that stage. If that does not occur, people will move their uninsured vehicles, and cause further accidents up the street or wherever they go.”

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