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Eye On Health: Plan In Place For T20 Cricket World Cup

The Ministry of Health and Wellness is ready to handle a public health crisis should one arise, during the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup.

Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Dr. The Most Honourable Kenneth George, shared the ministry’s strategy to address any disease outbreaks. The frontlines to tackle and mitigate threats will be the island’s ports of entry – the airport and seaport.

The CMO emphasised that port health would be one of the four major areas of concern where surveillance would be stepped up during the World Cup, and noted that officials would be monitoring persons entering the island for various diseases.


Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Kenneth George

These include measles, which means they will be looking for travelers exhibiting symptoms such as fever and rash. Dr. George indicated that Barbados’ immunisation level for measles, a highly contagious disease, is still not at the required 95 per cent, making the island susceptible to an outbreak.

Tuberculosis, malaria and monkeypox will also be on heath authorities’ radar. Malaria has a “quiet” or incubation period, so persons can travel and develop symptoms while on island.

“So even Ebola and I’m not trying to scare anyone, but we must consider all possibilities. We have strengthened our port health surveillance, so we have done a lot of training of not only Port Health staff, but all allied staff associated with our ports of entry, whether it be the taxi drivers, Immigration and Customs officials, the full operations at the ports of entry have been addressed,” Dr. George disclosed.

“We have strengthened our port health surveillance, so we have done a lot of training of not only Port Health staff, but all allied staff associated with our ports of entry, whether it be the taxi drivers, Immigration and Customs officials, the full operations at the ports of entry have been addressed.” Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Dr. The Most Honourable Kenneth George

He continued: “It’s important that we have a port health presence and we try to identify cases coming through our borders early. We’ll do this by making sure we go through our passenger listings, making sure we understand where the passengers are coming from because many of the persons are not coming from our traditional markets; like North America, Europe and Canada. They are coming from some unusual places. So, our Port Health has to understand their travel history and identify disease processes very early to make the appropriate intervention, rather than individuals having to be put into care, quarantine or placed in isolation.”

Another area where the Ministry will be increasing surveillance is vector control; mosquito and rat reduction, in particular. It has stepped up its rat baiting programme in the areas within and around Bridgetown and Kensington.

Environmental Health Officers will be working overtime to ensure the success of the programme by doing the appropriate baiting in an effort to reduce the rat population.  Additionally, the Vector Control Unit will also be moving into high gear with its mosquito eradication programme.

Food handling during World Cup will receive the full attention of Ministry officials. The Chief Medical Officer explained that while he appreciates everyone will be “trying their hand” at making extra money by preparing and selling food, they must do so in a safe environment.

“So, here is the Ministry of Health’s position; hand washing is the most important infection prevention and control tool you can use to prevent the spread of disease. Wash your hands (for 20 seconds) all of the time, particularly after using the bathroom, before handling food, after handling food, before serving food, after serving food.

“Make sure that hot foods are kept hot, and hot foods are kept above 140 degrees Fahrenheit, and 40 degrees Fahrenheit or below for cold foods, and we should not mix uncooked with cooked foods. Food handlers should also make sure utensils in the kitchen are well sanitised and clean and all the surfaces where food is prepared should also be sanitised and clean,” Dr. George emphasised.

He added that Environmental Health Officers will be out “in full force” to monitor food handlers and vendors, and they will be enforcing the laws of Barbados when it comes to the quality of food being sold. This includes condemning and destroying unsuitable food sources and food items, he said.

Food handlers must have a certificate from a polyclinic indicating that they can handle and prepare food. For more commercial type operations, they need to have a restaurant licence, to make sure that the food operation is conducting business in the appropriate manner.

Food handlers must have a certificate from a polyclinic indicating that they can handle and prepare food. For more commercial type operations, they need to have a restaurant licence, to make sure that the food operation is conducting business in the appropriate manner.

The Ministry will also be monitoring the behavioural practices of the public during World Cupincluding cautioning persons against risky sexual behaviour, as well as excessive alcohol use.

The CMO “strongly” advised against people taking too many risks which they might regret or result in placing people’s lives in danger. He said excessive alcohol intake could cause irresponsible behaviour.

Dr. George urged people, both local and visitors alike, to protect themselves by using condoms if they are unsure of their sexual partners.

He said the Ministry of Health and Wellness will be providing emergency services on the day of the matches; ambulances and first aid services will be available. The ambulances used during Cricket World Cup will be separate from those catering to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

“So Barbadians won’t be told ‘Oh, it’s Cricket World Cup and the ambulances can’t can come now’. We are covering our bases and we will be working with the private sector.… We’re not going to compromise the health care of our citizens during World Cup,” the CMO shared.

He added that health officials have undergone training, drills and simulations with the help of the Department of Emergency Management, the Barbados Defence Force, the Pan American Health Organization and the Caribbean Public Health Agency for any eventuality, ranging from disease outbreaks to disaster scenarios, including stampedes and the possibility of stands collapsing.

Dr. George said if there is an outbreak, the six-bed Infection Control Unit across from the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Martindales Road, St. Michael, would be utilised.

Health officials have undergone training, drills and simulations with the help of the Department of Emergency Management, the Barbados Defence Force, the Pan American Health Organization and the Caribbean Public Health Agency for any eventuality, ranging from disease outbreaks to disaster scenarios, including stampedes and the possibility of stands collapsing.

“We scaled up that [when there was a threat of Ebola] so that can take the most infectious diseases. Harrison’s Point [in St. Lucy] will be coming into play only if there is an overwhelming threat. We have 120 beds there that are available to take patients. We have the capacity to scale-up quickly. And the final thing is the Field Medical Hospital which we are so proud of in Barbados, which is led by the Barbados Defence Force.

“They have been doing a lot of work and they are open for business during all matches. So that if there is a surge we will be able to handle that. So, the Field Medical Hospital will be used more for like a mass casualty incident, and Harrison’s Point for more infectious-type disease. We have to think positively as we put all these mitigation efforts in place,” he said.

The Chief Medical Officer reminded the public that there are no vaccine requirements for people travelling to Barbados. (PR/GIS)


Excitement builds for CIBC Caribbean’s Walk for the Cure 2024

Excitement is building as planning has commenced in earnest for this year’s edition of the Caribbean’s largest cancer fundraiser, CIBC Caribbean’s Walk for the Cure.

Walk Managers across the bank’s 11-member footprint have been meeting with their committees and fine-tuning this year’s fundraising activities aimed at surpassing the over USD$450 000 raised in support of cancer care and support organizations across the region last year.

In addition to donations and sponsorship other fundraising activities held around the region include Paint for the Cure, Hike for the Cure and Golf for the Cure.

“Since its modest beginning in 2012, Walk for the Cure has raised over USD$4 million across our regional footprint. Every penny raised and donated has been shared among cancer care organizations and charities committed to the prevention and early detection of the disease, to education and outreach and to the care of persons with cancer and their families that are impacted,” said Mark St. Hill, the bank’s Chief Executive Officer and Chair of its charitable arm, the FirstCaribbean ComTrust Foundation which hosts the walk along with regional partners.

He praised staff members who eagerly volunteer every year to ensure the walk comes off successfully. “Your efforts, strengthened by the scores of dedicated corporate sponsors and individual contributions have seen us make a real difference in the lives of persons with cancer, their families and care givers. It is not an exaggeration when I say that your collective efforts have saved lives”. 

Trustee of the FirstCaribbean ComTrust Foundation and Director of Corporate Communications at CIBC Caribbean, Debra King said the annual event was a demonstration of the bank’s commitment to the communities where they are located.

“No other activity more clearly demonstrates our commitment to our communities than Walk for the Cure which yearly attracts thousands of walkers and runners across the region. I am hopeful that again this year our sponsors and thousands of supporters around the region will rally to this cause resulting in record numbers on the roads and breaking records with our fundraising as well,” she stated.

The walk began as part of the celebrations to mark the bank’s 10th anniversary in 2012 and takes place across its 11-member footprint. 

The funds generated from the walk are used primarily to assist with the purchase and maintenance of equipment used in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer patients.

They are also used to provide assistance, care and counselling to patients and their families as well as to raise awareness, and stress the importance of early detection, through education campaigns across the region. (PR)

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Gastrointestinal Illness On The Rise

Gastrointestinal illness continues to increase, and health officials have identified a new virus cause among lab samples – rotavirus.

This rise in cases, in adults and children, has been seen since late April until present.

The Ministry of Health and Wellness reported that for the diarrheal samples tested, three samples from late May and early June showed the presence of rotavirus, in addition to the bacterial foodborne pathogens that have been previously identified. Rotavirus is a very contagious agent spread by contact with objects or persons contaminated with infected stool.

Vomiting was a prominent symptom for many persons, according to health authorities.

As a result, members of the public are being urged to employ proper hand hygiene methods, such as washing their hands regularly, especially before eating, and to continue to be cautious when purchasing ready-to-eat food items. 

The uptick in cases in persons older than five years moved from 34 at the end of April, to 76 cases in the week ending May 11, 2024.

Since then, weekly numbers have been falling, most recently to 46 cases in the week ending June 15, 2024, but are still above the alert threshold. At this time of the year, the alert level for this age group is fewer than eight cases.

In children under five years old, the number of cases has moved from eight for the week ending April 27, to peaking at 27 cases in the week ending May 18, 2024.

Persons are encouraged to wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and dry them with disposable tissue, especially after changing nappies, using the toilet, or before eating.  If soap and water are not available, the use of an alcohol-based hand sanitiser is recommended.

Those who purchase items to eat should ensure that sellers conduct appropriate food handling practices, such as protecting food from flies and other vectors; using suitable utensils to touch food; and maintaining hot or cold items at the correct temperatures. Hot foods must be kept above 140 degrees Fahrenheit, and cold foods at 40 degrees Fahrenheit or below.

Health officials further advise that people keep unwashed hands away from the eyes, nose, and mouth, and to generally avoid touching these areas as germs can enter the body this way. (PR/GIS)

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Cannabis Legislation explained at the NCSA Panel Discussion

While doctors in Barbados can prescribe cannabis, they must follow a stringent legal process and obtain the necessary permissions from the authorities.

Superintendent Anthony Warner of The Barbados Police Service made this clear while speaking at The National Council on Substance Abuse (NCSA) panel discussion titled “The Grassroots of Medicinal and Recreational Cannabis.” The event brought together various stakeholders to discuss the evolving landscape of cannabis legislation in Barbados.

Addressing what he said was a common misconception about the role of law enforcement in interpreting legislation, Warner emphasized that the police are not responsible for interpreting the law but for enforcing it within the framework established by the state. “It probably would be a dangerous thing if you have to leave it to the police to interpret the law because they might do it in their own interest,” he remarked, underscoring the importance of adherence to the legal standards set by the state.

One of the key topics discussed was the recent amendment to the Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act CAP 131, which introduces a more nuanced approach to handling minor cannabis offences. Warner clarified that while the possession of any amount of cannabis remains illegal, the amendment, specifically section 6A, introduces a fixed penalty system for individuals found with 14 grams or less of cannabis. This system allows police officers to issue a ticket instead of making an arrest, provided the individual does not challenge the nature of the substance.

“Before, if you got any amount, a stem, a seed, a stalk, the police could have arrested you for the smallest amount of cannabis. What the law does now is tell us to give a different approach on how the police would treat that type of offence,” Warner explained.

Addressing the community’s concerns about cannabis use and the role of medical practitioners, Warner stressed the legal requirements for prescribing medicinal cannabis. He noted that while doctors can prescribe cannabis, they must follow a stringent legal process and obtain the necessary permissions from the authorities. This ensures that the use of cannabis remains regulated and does not slip into misuse or abuse.

The Superintendent also highlighted the importance of collaboration between the police and the community. He believes that such interactions foster mutual understanding and trust, making it safer and more comfortable for citizens to communicate with law enforcement. 

Warner provided a comprehensive overview of the current state of cannabis legislation in Barbados. His insights highlighted the balance the law seeks to achieve between enforcement and leniency, ensuring that while cannabis possession remains an offence, minor infractions are dealt with in a way that is fair and proportional. 

The discussion underscored the ongoing need for community engagement and legal clarity as Barbados navigates the complex terrain of cannabis regulation. (PR)

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