

President Dr Irfaan Ali hailed the late Sir Shridath Surendranath Ramphal as one of Guyana’s architects, who helped shape the country’s legal framework, fashioning its constitution, and defending its territorial integrity.

During a National Funeral of Honour held at the Promenade Gardens, the Head of State praised the late “statesman” for his stellar contributions to the country, region and the Commonwealth.

Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines Ralph Gonsalves

“His life and legacy stand as a testimonial, not only to his brilliance as a legal eagle, statesman and diplomat but also to his undeniable dedication to the land of his birth, Guyana.”

After the funeral service, Sir Ramphals’s ashes were interned at the Seven Ponds in the Botanical Gardens in Georgetown.

Chair of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and Prime Minister of Grenada,  Dickon Mitchell; Prime Minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Dr Ralph Gonsalves; Prime Minister of Guyana, Brigadier Mark Phillips; CARICOM Secretary General, Dr Carla Barnett and past and present regional and local government officials were also at the event.

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