
More jobs for the Child Care Board

The Child Care Board is due to enlist new employees before the first half of 2024 has passed, this was confirmed by Minister of People Empowerment & Elder Affairs, Kirk Humphrey, during a church service to officially launch Child Month.

Speaking at the People’s Cathedral this weekend, Minister Humphrey outlined the new additions to the staff complement, “I’m happy to say the (CCB) will be hiring additional staff… We needed to have a Clinical (Psychologist) as well as specialised social workers and nurses to administer medication… These positions were made known in the Estimates where provision was made. This would enable us to serve our children even better…”

Decades in the making, the Child Care Board would be joining with Welfare, the National Disabilities Unit along with the National Assistance Board into a single entity. After extensive preparation and negotiation with trade unions, this amalgamated department is expected to be launched in the last quarter of this year. 

Minister Kirk Humphrey

Mr Humphrey added – “I think a lot of what we can achieve here in Barbados can be done by working with other groups. Working with community groups and community leaders, working with other agencies to have that larger scale intervention to prevent things from actually happening before they happen. To help build our society and make it stronger.”

Director of the CCB, Ms RoseAnn Richards reminded the audience of the slogan of Child Month this year “Our Children – Building Hope & Resilience for Tomorrow”, she also emphasised the need for all Barbadians to protect generations ahead and why it’s necessary, “(Our) responsibility is to guarantee that each child is afforded the opportunity to develop to his or her full potential…” This as the Board continues to urge the public to come forward and be foster parents for young Barbadians who need such care and attention.

The CCB will have a special cricket match at Briar Hall on Friday 10thMay between a Minister’s XI versus the Child Care Board XI from 6:00 pm that evening, the Board will also have a fundraising Variety Concert at Solidarity House in St Michael on Saturday 18th May from 6:30 pm. (PR)


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