
NIS Is Now National Insurance & Social Security Service

In a historic moment marked with joy, camaraderie and promises of support, the National Insurance Scheme underwent a significant transformation on December 1, 2023, officially becoming the National Insurance and Social Security Service.

The change signifies the institution’s evolution into a fully-fledged commercial state-owned enterprise, heralding in a new chapter for both its staff and the public.

Just after 3:00 p.m. the staff gathered for a momentous meeting, the first under the organisation’s new statutory corporation designation. The proceedings commenced with a statement from Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Kim Tudor, who, despite being on sick leave, expressed her gratitude to staff, through a heartfelt letter, read by Deputy CEO, Frances Fontinelle-Walcott.

Ms. Tudor, in her letter, emphasised the spirit of collaboration, resilience and innovation that has brought the organisation to this transformative juncture.

Minister of Labour, Social Security and the Third Sector, Colin Jordan; Chairman of the Board, Leslie Haynes; and Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Labour, Dr. Karen Best, all addressed the staff.

Minister Jordan confessed to having a long-standing association with the institution, spanning his days standing in line to collect unemployment cheques, being on the Board, and now being the Minister responsible for the institution. 

He thanked the 92.5 per cent of the former NIS staff that had come over to the new organisation and encouraged them to strive for operational improvement, enhanced service delivery, and a better organisational reputation.

Chairman Leslie Haynes expressed pride in the institution’s journey, envisioning the organisation as one of the top institutions not only in Barbados, but in the wider region and the world.

Dr. Karen Best, in her final visit to staff in her present capacity, before her retirement on December 10, 2023, characterised the transformation as a “new dawn” and expressed gratitude to the staff for remaining as part of the family.

The meeting concluded with a reception and the recognition of long-service staff members with service awards of 10, 20, 30, and 35 years. Toni Bishop, a dedicated employee with 35 years of service, had the honour of cutting the celebratory cake with Minister Jordan during the reception.

The festivities continued with a collective non-alcoholic toast to the bright future of the newly established National Insurance and Social Security Service.  The Minister, Board and staff toasted to continuing the institution’s legacy of service excellence, commitment to professionalism, and contributions to the economic landscape of Barbados and beyond. (PR/GIS)

CAPTION: Minister of Labour, Social Security and the Third Sector, Colin Jordan, presents National Insurance and Social Security Service Senior Internal Auditor, Toni Bishop, with her award for 35 years of service, at last Friday’s event.


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