
NSC Launches 38th Annual Summer Sports Camps

The National Sports Council’s (NSC) Summer Sports Camp will commence on Monday, July 15, and end on Friday, August 23. Registration starts on Monday, July 1, and runs until Saturday, July 13, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., at Blenheim House, My Lords Hill, St. Michael.

Camp Director of NSC’s Summer Camp, Tracey Leacock, made this announcement yesterday, at the launch of the 2024 National Sports Council Summer Camp.

Ms. Leacock also said that camps will be held at Deighton Griffith Secondary; St. George Secondary; Frederick Smith Secondary; NSC’s headquarters at Blenheim; the gym at the National Stadium; Lumber Company grounds at Codrington Road; Aquatic Centre, Garfield Sobers Sports Complex; Seaside Aquatics, Salmonds, St. Lucy; Browne’s Beach; Passage Road Pavilion; and the Table Tennis Centre, Nursery Drive, St. Michael.  

NSC’s Director of Sport, Neil Murrell, reflecting on the history and importance of the summer camps, said: “This is the 38th staging of the National Sports Council Summer Camps…. It’s one of our staple highlight programmes for the NSC, over the years. These camps allow campers not only to learn new sports but also to consolidate their existing skills and, [more] importantly, cultivate friendships through sports.”

Mr. Murrell expressed excitement about this year’s programme. “I am particularly pleased this year to be putting on the NSC Summer Camps, which will feature a gamut of sports. We have an array of disciplines, including cricket, football, hockey, badminton, and more. What excites me most is the inclusion of a relatively new sport, Ninja Warriors, for the second year, giving all campers the opportunity to participate, leading up to the Ninja Warriors contest on August 3,” he announced.

Emphasising that the camps would be accessible, the Director stated: “The camp will be decentralised, providing young people across Barbados the opportunity to access these initiatives. Over the years, we have seen individuals who started here reach the highest international levels in sports, such as Akela Jones, Jonathan Jones, Jason Holder, Sada Williams, and Roston Chase. This camp is the perfect opportunity for young people to follow their dreams of excelling in their chosen disciplines.”

He also touched on the need for physical activity, especially in a post-COVID era. “It is essential that our young people engage in physical activity and sport for their overall development. Physical inactivity has increased, leading to childhood obesity. The summer camp provides a framework to increase physical activity and inspire young people towards a healthier future,” he said.

Highlighting the camp’s holistic approach, Mr. Murrell stated that they will “feature exciting cultural tours, ensuring a well-rounded summer camp experience”.  

He also thanked the coaches, coaching assistants, and sponsors for making the camp “valuable and beneficial”. This year’s sponsors are C.O. Williams Construction, and Atlantic Marketing’s Blue Waters. (PR/GIS)

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