


 Prime Minister  Mia Amor Mottley yesterday, October 22nd,  delivered the feature address in  Queens Park on the second day of the Barbados Labour Party’s (BLP) annual conference.

Announcing that the party was moving to one of Mission  Barbados from a position of Mission Critical she announced changes to her cabinet effective Wednesday October 26th.

Dr. Jerome Walcott
  • Dr Jerome Walcott will be the Minister of Health and wellness
Ian Gooding Edghill
  • Ian Gooding-Edghill will be  Minister of Tourism
Lisa Cummins
  • Lisa Cummins will be Minister of Energy and  Business Development  with responsibility for International Business and Trade
Kerrie Symmonds
  • Kerrie Symmonds will be Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade
  • Corey Lane will be Minister of State in the Office of the Attorney General with responsibility  for Crime Prevention
Cynthia Forde

Also announced was that the St. Thomas MP Cynthia Forde will be nominated on Tuesday October 25th as deputy speaker of the House of Assembly.


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