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Prime Minister Rowley Meets with Families of Divers

Today (Wednesday 27th March, 2024), Prime Minister Dr the Hon. Keith Rowley met with the families of the divers involved in the tragic incident which occurred in February 2022 at a facility owned by Paria Fuel Trading Company Limited (Paria). The meeting was held at Whitehall.

Minister of Energy and Energy Industries and Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister, the Hon. Stuart Young and Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Senator the Hon. Reginald Armour S.C. also accompanied the Prime Minister to the meeting.

1.      The Prime Minister again expressed sincere sympathy on behalf of himself and the Government of Trinidad and Tobago for the unimaginable loss being experienced by each family.

2.      The Prime Minister advised that it was not his wish, or that of his government, that the anguish being experienced by the families should be enhanced and/or prolonged by any protracted dispute over liability and compensation. Accordingly, insofar as he is permitted to, as Prime Minister, he has requested that the Board of Paria do all that it can do to address these issues as quickly, and as reasonably as possible.

3.      The Prime Minister informed the families that Paria is properly insured for incidents such as that which occurred on February 25th 2022, and that despite the best of intentions, Paria, like any other insured, is required to take the advice and guidance of its insurers, in order to benefit from the coverage.

4.      The shareholders of Paria, who are ultimately the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago, would of course want this matter to be resolved quickly, but not in a manner that would be reckless, and affect insurance coverage specifically in place for this purpose. So, even if Paria were inclined to do so, it is simply not possible for a Board, to wholly ignore the fact that insurance coverage is in place, and that another party is involved, namely the contractor LMCS, and nevertheless proceed to settle the matter.

5.      The Prime Minister has been advised that correspondence has been exchanged between attorneys for two of the families and Paria/insurers since February 2023 and correspondence was received last month from attorneys for one other family. The Prime Minister has been further advised that no figures have as yet been exchanged between the parties, and that Paria/Insurers have recently requested information from the initial two families which touch and concern details surrounding employment by LMCS and earnings. This information is crucial in arriving at a proposed figure for any without prejudice discussions with respect to settlement. That information is not yet forthcoming.

6.      The Prime Minister made it clear that Paria has advice from its lawyers/insurers on the issue of liability. Notwithstanding that advice, Paria and its insurers are prepared to work closely with the contractor/employer LMCS in arriving at a joint proposal with respect to a “without prejudice” settlement of this matter.

7.      Accordingly, the outcome of this matter insofar as any possible settlement is concerned is in the hands of the attorneys, insurers, and those who are to accept whatever proposal for settlement may be forthcoming as a result of discussions.

8.      The Prime Minister repeated that while he cannot interfere in this process, he has made it clear to Paria that he wants it concluded quickly and fairly. The Prime Minister urged the families to similarly advise their lawyers that every attempt should be made to conclude the matter quickly and fairly, and in particular, the families should urge LMCS to collaborate with Paria to arrive at a joint without prejudice proposal that is reasonable.



President Dr Irfaan Ali hailed the late Sir Shridath Surendranath Ramphal as one of Guyana’s architects, who helped shape the country’s legal framework, fashioning its constitution, and defending its territorial integrity.

During a National Funeral of Honour held at the Promenade Gardens, the Head of State praised the late “statesman” for his stellar contributions to the country, region and the Commonwealth.

Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines Ralph Gonsalves

“His life and legacy stand as a testimonial, not only to his brilliance as a legal eagle, statesman and diplomat but also to his undeniable dedication to the land of his birth, Guyana.”

After the funeral service, Sir Ramphals’s ashes were interned at the Seven Ponds in the Botanical Gardens in Georgetown.

Chair of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and Prime Minister of Grenada,  Dickon Mitchell; Prime Minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Dr Ralph Gonsalves; Prime Minister of Guyana, Brigadier Mark Phillips; CARICOM Secretary General, Dr Carla Barnett and past and present regional and local government officials were also at the event.

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NASSAU: American actress Viola Davis is in The Bahamas for the Afreximbank Annual Meeting, where a signing ceremony took place Connecting Global Africa with the tools to make a difference.


Deputy Prime Minister Chester Cooper greets Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley who is in The Bahamas for the Afreximbank Annual Meeting being hosted in The Bahamas.

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President of Malawi cancels trip to the Bahamas following Vice President’s plane crash

Malawi President Dr. Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera has canceled his upcoming visit to the Bahamas due to a severe aviation incident involving Vice President Dr. Saulos Klaus Chilima. 

The plane, which was also carrying nine other individuals, crash-landed in the Chikangawa forest this Monday, prompting immediate national concern.

Scheduled international engagements impacted

President Chakwera was slated to participate in the 31st African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) annual meeting and the Afri-Caribbean Trade and Investment Forum in Nassau from June 12-14. 

This event is expected to host over a thousand delegates, including leaders and officials from both Africa and the Caribbean, along with prominent figures from various sectors such as banking and academia. 

The forum marks a historic occasion as it is the first Afreximbank annual meeting to be held in the Caribbean.

Strategic opportunities missed

The Malawi Foreign Ministry highlighted the significance of President Chakwera’s participation, which was to be underpinned by the sponsorship of Afreximbank. 

The visit was seen as a crucial opportunity for Malawi to secure additional support and to establish further partnerships aligning with the nation’s Agriculture, Tourism, and Mining (ATM) Strategy and its new initiatives on special economic zones and industrial parks.

Additional travel plans halted

In addition to his commitments in the Bahamas, President Chakwera was also expected to travel to Bürgenstock, Switzerland, to attend the Global Peace Summit on June 15-16. 

However, these plans have been put on hold in light of the recent tragic events.

Ongoing rescue efforts

The Malawi government disclosed that the Vice President and the accompanying individuals were aboard a Malawi Defence Force aircraft scheduled to land at Mzuzu International Airport. 

Following the crash, aviation authorities have been unable to establish contact with the aircraft. 

President Chakwera has directed all national and regional agencies to launch an immediate search and rescue operation to locate the missing aircraft and its occupants, underscoring the urgency of the situation. (Article from CNW, Bahamas)

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