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Serious Organised Unit Coming To Tackle Crime

Government will be setting up a Serious Organised Crime Unit as another enforcement arm in The Barbados Police Service to bring the crime situation under control.

Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley announced that the new unit would focus “entirely on organised crime and gangs without prejudice to the work of the Major Crime and any other unit in the police service”, during a recent press conference at Ilaro Court.

Ms. Mottley told reporters that the unit was a key recommendation coming from the Independent International Police Assistance Service Report, which was executed through the British Government and the Commonwealth Secretariat.

She added that temporary posts would be created for the unit, which will operate alongside existing police divisions.

Ms Mottley maintained: “The reality is that we … over the course of the last few weeks in particular, haven’t seen an abeyance of it for about 15 and a half months, seeing a spike of crime where persons who know one another, have been the victims of murder…

“The AG will also tell you that the police have indicated to him, in very clear terms,   and perhaps they need to do that more so for the public, that in many instances, the cases of what we are seeing are not arbitrary crime but are cases where people know each other, and where in some instances you may even use the word vendetta is being perpetrated. This is not the way to settle business in this country.  We have law courts and therefore it cannot be in any way tolerated….”

The Prime Minister also disclosed that members of the police band will be deployed to assist with Government’s community policing efforts. “We believe that The Barbados Police Service Band, which has a history of over a hundred years, is well placed to be able to help us in that effort.

“If they need additional instruments and other things to be able to put out there so that they can give these youngsters a chance to have purpose and skills at the same time, then we will work with them to provide that across a number of communities,” Ms. Mottley said. (PR/GIS)


Enhanced Public Awareness Campaign For SDGs

A more robust public education campaign will soon be undertaken in Barbados, with respect to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This assurance came recently from Project Coordinator in the SDGs Unit in the Prime Minister’s Office, Krystal Yearwood, at the end of the National Consultation on the Identification of Priority Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Indicators for Barbados, hosted at the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre (LESC), Two Mile Hill, St. Michael.

The Consultation was held in collaboration with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Investment, the Prime Minister’s Office, the United Nations Population Fund and the Joint SDGs Fund.

During an interview with the Barbados Government Information Service, Ms. Yearwood noted that the campaign would focus on the goals and the significance of these to the “average man”.

Elaborating, she stated: “When we hear about the Sustainable Development Goals, we think about it as just the global aspect; but what people really want to know is how do these goals relate to me.

“What sustainable development means for us, for example, is ensuring that we have sustainable and affordable housing for people, and it means ensuring that our physical ecosystems, such as our gullies and coral reefs, are protected. It also means that we’re able to make our social protection programmes more tailored to the needs of the vulnerable, and sustainable development encompasses all these components. In order to ensure that this is understood across the length and breadth of Barbados, public education will be a part of our next steps going forward.”

“What sustainable development means for us, for example, is ensuring that we have sustainable and affordable housing for people, and it means ensuring that our physical ecosystems, such as our gullies and coral reefs, are protected.” – Project Coordinator in the SDGs Unit in the Prime Minister’s Office, Krystal Yearwood

Ms. Yearwood also pointed out that a consultancy team is being led by Dr. Dion Greenidge, who was engaged under the UN Joint SDG Fund entitled, Integrated Population Data and Policy Solutions to Accelerate SDGs Achievement in Barbados and Montserrat.

She added that Dr. Greenidge and his team are currently working on a baseline study to show exactly where Barbados is with regard to specific SDGs indicator data collection and will make recommendations on how to improve data collection across the sustainable development goals indicators.

Explaining the importance of this, the SDG Project Coordinator stressed: “If the data is not being collected, the consultants will recommend how best we can go about collecting that data. Once we have that information, then we’re able to present it to the relevant stakeholders within government, and use it to make informed decisions, and to decide how we will move forward as a country to achieve the goals.”

During the stakeholder engagement at the LESC, Ms. Yearwood shared that the participants had identified a priority list of indicators based on the SDG pillars – people, prosperity, planet, peace and partnerships. 

Adding that the priority list of indicators is still being fine-tuned, Ms. Yearwood stressed that the realisation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 required a “whole of government effort and a whole of society approach”. (PR/GIS)

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Change Of Command And Promotions At The BDF

Effective Wednesday, September 18, Lieutenant Colonel Carlos Lovell will assume the position of Chief of Staff of the Barbados Defence Force.

Lieutenant Colonel Lovell’s appointment and promotion to the rank of Brigadier were recently announced in The Official Gazette

In addition, Commander Mark Peterson has been promoted to the rank of Captain (Naval) and appointed to the post of Deputy Chief of Staff, while Major Julia DaBreo has been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and appointed to the post of Commanding Officer of the Barbados Regiment.

Mark Peterson, Deputy Chief of Staff

Also, Lieutenant Commander Derrick Brathwaite has been appointed to the post of Commanding Officer of the Barbados Coast Guard and promoted to the rank of Commander.

Lieutenant Colonel Carlos Lovell is a highly qualified senior officer who brings to the post of Chief of Staff, a wealth of military experience, passion, energy and a vision to take the Force into the future.

His recent postings were Military Advisor to the Chief of Staff, Principal Staff Officer, Commanding Officer of the Barbados Regiment and Aide-de-Camp to the former Governor-General of Barbados. He has demonstrated exceptional leadership, integrity, vision and strategic acumen in his various appointments.

Lieutenant Colonel Lovell will succeed Commodore Errington Shurland, who will officially retire from the Barbados Defence Force on September 18. Commodore Shurland will be promoted to Rear Admiral and continue his duties as Executive Director of the Regional Security System. 

Lieutenant Colonel Lovell stated: “I am truly honoured, and humbled, by the confidence reposed in me to lead this Barbados Defence Force which comprises the bravest, most disciplined, and committed officers and soldiers in the Caribbean.

“I eagerly look forward to this opportunity to build on the successes of Commodore Shurland and to positively impact the lives of the men and women under my command.  I firmly believe that, once we work together, we can overcome any obstacle in pursuit of excellence.”

In the execution of his duties, Lieutenant Colonel Lovell will be ably assisted by Commander Mark Peterson as Deputy Chief of Staff. Commander Peterson also brings to the Force a wealth of experience and a distinguished record of service to this vital role. He has demonstrated notable leadership, strategic acumen and an unwavering dedication to the mission of the Barbados Defence Force.

Commander Peterson has served as Staff Advisor to the Chief of Staff, Commanding Officer of the Barbados Coast Guard and Staff Officer, Operations and Training.

With a deep understanding of the Force’s core values and mandate, Commander Peterson noted that: “I am truly humbled and appreciative of this appointment and opportunity to serve the Barbados Defence Force and wider Barbados. I am excited about the Force’s future and look forward to working with this outstanding body of committed men and women to achieve our objectives and uphold the high standards of the Barbados Defence Force.”

As the members of the Barbados Defence Force anticipate its Change of Command ceremonial aspects, Commodore Shurland has been instrumental in strategically positioning the Force to plan for its modern operational environment, while mitigating against all threats to safeguard Barbados’ interests.

Commodore Shurland reflected that “it has been a privilege to serve with such a unique and dedicated set of people, who sacrifice daily and contribute to the Force’s mission and Barbados’ development”. He further noted that he has all the confidence in Lieutenant Colonel Lovell’s and Commander Peterson’s abilities to lead this and the future Barbados Defence Force with purposeful dedication and vision. 

There will be a formal Change of Command Parade and Sunset Ceremony on Wednesday, September 18, at St. Ann’s Fort, beginning at 4.30 p.m. The ceremony will be attended by members of the Government, the Defence Board, the Diplomatic Corps, senior officials, military personnel, specially invited guests and members of the media. (PR/GIS)

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Andre Worrell, the Acting President of the Democratic Labour Party was sworn in as Senator at State House this morning. He was accompanied by Opposition Leader, Ralph Thorne and fellow Senator Ryan Walters. Senator Worrell in accepting the appointment stated that he intends to represent the interest of Barbadians with his contributions in the Senate.

Acting President, The Very Reverend Dr. Jeffery Gibson (left) Senator Worrell and Leader of the Opposition Ralph Thorne (right)

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