

The Public Sector Smart Energy Programme (PSSEP), funded by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the European Commission, is scheduled for completion by February 2023.

This was indicated by the Ministry of Energy and Business’ PSSEP Manager, Keisha Reid, during a recent tour of the renewable energy projects at the Samuel Jackman Prescod Institute of Technology (SJPI), led by Principal Ian Drakes.

In reference to the SJPI, Ms. Reid said: “We are really happy with what they’ve been able to do, not just with the assets that we have given them, but also the new opportunities that they have created for themselves.”

The touring party comprised a delegation from the IDB, including the General Manager, Caribbean Country Department Group of the IDB, Tariq Alli; Country Representative Group in Barbados, Viviana del Carmen Alva Hart; Chief of Operations, Jean Eric Theinhardt, and Senior Energy Specialist, Carlos Echeverria. In addition, the SJPI’s new Chairman of the Board, Coreen Kennedy-Taitt, staff of the Institute and officials of the Energy Division were present.

While on tour, they viewed projects funded under PSSEP, which included the installation of a 109 KWp solar photovoltaic system and a PSSEP Electric Vehicle (EV) Pilot. The group also visited the Computer Numerical Control Lab, where they viewed the Institute’s 3D printing lab.

The 109 KWp solar photovoltaic system, valued at US $200,987.65, can produce over 200,000 KWh of energy per year, with an estimated revenue earning potential of US$ 41,975.00 per year.

Following the tour, Mr. Alli from the IDB, stated: “The IDB has been Barbados’ partner of choice to develop its energy sector and what I’ve seen here today has been excellent. We know Barbados is a leader in many aspects of renewable energy, including electromobility.

“I congratulate the Samuel Jackman Prescod Institute of Technology on its role in taking this to another level.  We will continue supporting Barbados and explore new opportunities together.” 

The PSSEP was started on November 15, 2013. The main benefits expected from the initiative are reductions in energy costs, carbon dioxide, and greenhouse gas emissions. (PR & PIC/GIS)


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