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through the years Barbados’ dawn and rebirth

The chronicling of Barbados’ past and its bright future as a Republic will be told through various choreographed pieces at The National Independence Festival of Creative Arts’ (NIFCA) ‘Rebirth of a Nation.

On Saturday, November 26th at 7 p.m. the Frank Collymore Hall will come alive with various selections showcasing the journey of our land’s growth, noting and comparing cultural and societal changes, similarities, and the lessons learned on our path to self-governance. 

“We have [dances] that talk about our soul, our human condition, our tribulations, our trials,” says co-artistic director of the event, Gina Mayers.

“We have some about our joy, our movement, like our soca, Crop Over, calypso and how that impacts our joy and love. Our religious roots and how that has built and grown us…We want to show the very diverse and rich culture [of Barbados] and how it has grown into it.”  

Weaving these pieces into a uniformed flowing story was a welcomed test for Shea Best, the other co-artistic director of the show. However, coincidentally, it parallels one of the sections of the presentation. 

“We’re looking at challenges at being a part of growth, and how we embrace that rather than shunning the idea. If you were to put the life of Barbados on a timeline and just look at events from slavery, then the Emancipation era, then Independence, riots etc. All along the way they were specific markers that are major markers to the people of Barbados, but we were able to overcome them.”

The event will highlight past NIFCA gold award winning pieces alongside new dance sequences, with prominent dance collectives like Dancin’ AfricaPinelands Creative WorkshopMultifarious Dance Crew, Israel Lovell Foundation, Louise WoodvineDance AcademyUWI Dance Ensemble, the Barbados Community College and much more gracing the stage!

Since being selected by Alicia Payne-Hurley, Cultural Officer for Theatre Arts at the National Cultural Foundation (NCF), to orchestrate ‘Rebirth of A Nation,’ the creative pair expressed honour and excitement in executing the initiative, pouring their collective experience into a project celebrating their land. 

“This is very much a part of my growth and my development,” says Shea, a past NIFCA Prime Minister’s Award recipient who was awarded a scholarship to complete a Masters in Choreography at Leeds Beckett University.

“I am very happy to be involved, and I’m happy to feel like my input is valued. That is a major thing for me.”

Gina, also a past NIFCA participant, and graduate of the School of The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, agreed: “It is a very humbling moment. It feels very surreal in some ways. It is a full circle moment to come back to where you started and nowyou have this chance to show Barbados’ amazing talent, specifically in dance. Not only to other Bajans, but to the world because it is a global event.” 

Tickets for Rebirth of a Nation are Adults: $40; Children: $10 and are available at NCF West Terrace, CS Pharmacy, Digicel at Sky Mall and online and For additional information, visit



An initiative by the Ministry of People Empowerment aims to have persons adopt/ sponsor a family, offer financial support or become a mentor.

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Arts and Crafts from Campers on display at SkyMall

Campers and staff from the National Summer Camps displayed their Arts and Craft at a showcase held recently at Skymall, Haggatt Hall, St. Michael.

The showcase highlighted the achievements of the youth who attended.

Minister of Youth, Sports and Community Empowerment, Charles Griffith, in his remarks, thanked the staff of the Ministry for their dedication and for a job well done.

He said: “First, let me start by saying a big ‘thank you’, to those persons from within the Ministry, the part of my team who are responsible every year for putting together the summer camp programme.”

The Youth Minister then addressed claims by some, that the Government Summer Camps were mere organised babysitting events while underscoring the true essence of them. “From the displays of several camps, you will realize that it is not a babysitting activity, but what we are looking to do is to unearth, even at this stage, young talent within the camp system,” he stated

He also disclosed that there were over 600 campers at 40 locations, over the five-week period that the children attended camp.

The drummers from the Holder Hill Camp show the audience their drumming skills.

Minister Griffith assured the campers and their parents that Government was committed to fostering cultural enrichment as a significant focus for the Ministry. He noted the specialised cultural programmes within the camps encompassed areas such as drama, dance, and singing.

“The Ministry aims to expand the cultural camps and increase the number of camps across the island, this is one of the ways that we can honor new talent within our youth population,” he stated.

Noting that the year 2023 is dedicated to the youth, Mr. Griffith stressed the importance of the summer camps in nurturing talent. “I’m sure, like I said, today as you take a look at what is on display that you will understand and recognise that there’s a whole set of talent on this island and the Ministry of Youth Sports and Community Empowerment continues to unearth that talent,” the Minister stated. (PR/GIS)

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FunFest Sporting Activities for BNOC Staff

he Barbados National Oil Company Limited (BNOCL) successfully concluded its FunFest Sporting Activities on Thursday, April 27, 2023, with the Red Brigade team emerging as champions.

The event, which spanned over two weeks, saw BNOCL staff engage in a series of sporting activities, including bike riding, walking, endurance exercises such as skipping, planking, and a 4×1 speed walk. The FunFest was organized with the aim to encourage staff to be more physically active, while interacting with their colleagues and engaging in camaraderie. 

The Health, Safety, Security & Environment Manager, Mr. Damien Catlyn, applauded the organizing team’s work and stated that the event was a resounding success. “The FunFest was an excellent way to promote fitness and healthy living amongst our staff.  We are very proud of the Red Brigade team for their victory and commend all the teams for their efforts.”

As prize winners over the other five teams, the Red Brigade was presented with the FunFest Challenge Plaque and Day passes to Infinity on the Beach.

The event was a testament to BNOCL’s commitment to the well-being of its staff and the promotion of healthy living within the company. (PR)

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